Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to do the following:
Describe the purpose of the ship's order indicating and metering systems.
Identify the various types of control consoles used with the ship's control order
and indicating systems.
Describe the operation of the ship's control order and indicating systems.
Describe the operation of some of the various metering and indicating systems
installed on Navy ships.
Describe the function of gears.
Identify the basic types of gears and their uses.
Describe the operation of various gear mechanisms.
Briefly describe the troubleshooting and maintenance procedures for various
ship's order indicating and metering systems.
ships will be discussed in this training manual. For
information on the consoles installed on the newer gas
To operate a ship properly, watch personnel
turbine ships, refer to the applicable Ship Information
require vast quantities of information relative to
conditions within and outside the ship. Ship's order
indicating and metering systems are installed on ships
to measure and transmit this information.
The ship's control console incorporates, in a
single unit, the equipment required to transmit orders
relative to the speed of the ship. Figure 10-1 is an
illustration of a double engine order ship's control
console. The order and indicator systems associated
Ship's control order and indicating systems
with the console are the propeller revolution order and
consist of the (1) propeller revolution order system
the engine order. The ship's control console also
(circuit M), (2) engine order system (circuit MB), (3)
contains circuits for control of the ship's speed lights.
rudder angle indicator (circuit N), (4) rudder order
The speed light circuits are maintained by the
(circuit L), and (5) steering emergency alarm signal
Electrician's Mates.
(circuit LB). On the older ships, the equipment for
these circuits is mounted in a ship's control console
Propeller Revolution Order System
and a steering control console. On the newer gas
turbine ships with automated propulsion systems, the
ship's control and steering consoles are combined into
The propeller revolution order system (circuit M)
one console using state of the art circuitry and
transmits the required propeller revolutions per
equipment. Only the consoles installed on the older
minute (rpm) from the pilothouse to each propulsion
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