If a complete loss of power occurs in the IC/SM
switchboard, check the two main power fuses located
In this chapter, we have discussed how the alarm,
on the front of the common alarm. If the fuses are good,
safety, and warning systems are used on board ship to
open the cabinet and check the incoming line connec-
tions of the fuse holder with a voltmeter. If input power
alert personnel of dangerous or abnormal conditions.
is present, check the power transformers and bridge
We have identified the principle components of the
rectifiers. If power is not present, check the fuses that
various alarm, safety, and warning systems and how
supply primary power to the switchboard. For more
they operate. We have also briefly described some of
information on troubleshooting the IC/SM switch-
the common troubles associated with the systems and
board, refer to the applicable manufacturer's technical
the effects they will have on the systems.
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