![]() system at the EOS area of the CCS. This system is
classified as semivital readiness class 2.
A pressure transducer of the pressure-to-current
Circuit FD provides indication when the water level
type is provided at the hydraulic oil power module.
in the monitored compartments has reached a predeter-
Differential pressure transducers of the pressure-
mined level. This circuit is classified as nonvital readi-
to-current type are provided at the main and standby
ness class 1.
hydraulic pump suction strainers.
The system consists of magnetically operated liquid
switches, which are installed in the lowest level of the
The transducer transmits a dc signal, proportional
monitored compartment. The alarm modules are in the
to pressure, to a signal conditioner located in the local
alarm switchboard in the damage control area of the
operating station. Hydraulic oil pressure is displayed
at the PCC on a pressure meter and on the digital
The float-type switch in each space is fitted with a
demand display. This pressure is continuously
supervisory resistor to maintain the supervisory feature
monitored so that if, at any time, pressure drops below
of the alarm module. In spaces fitted with more than one
a predetermined value, visual and audible alarm
switch, the resistor is installed in the one at the end of
indicators are energized at the PCC and at the local
the line.
operating station.
Operation of any switch by a rising liquid level will
short-circuit the line, initiating an alarm on the alarm
Each differential pressure transducer transmits a
switchboard as previously described.
signal proportional to the pressure drop in the pump
Extension alarms are provided via the supple- men-
suction strainers to a signal conditioner in the local
tal relay of circuit F as follows except for the fire pump
operating station. The signal is transmitted to the PCC
room, which has no extension:
for conversion to a demand digital display. Internal
circuitry provides the signal for visual/audible alarm
-- Individual extensions of all alarms to the dam-
age control console except that the extensions for the
indicators when differential pressure reaches a
sonar cooling equipment room and the sonar equipment
predetermined value.
room are paralleled to activate a common indication at
Checkout procedures for this system can be found
the damage control console.
on the appropriate PMS cards and in the Propulsion
-- Individual extensions of the alarms for engine
Control System Technical Manual.
room, a/c machinery room, auxiliary machinery rooms
Power for the circuits is furnished by the PCC.
1,2, and 3, eductor room, auxiliary propulsion machin-
ery room, and steering gear room to the auxiliary control
-- Common circuit FD alarms to the alarm switch-
boards at the OOD station No. 1 and in the pilothouse
Circuit EK provides a means of indicating the
ship control console (SCC).
pressure in the compressed air system and indicating
Troubleshooting and repair of the system can be
when the air pressure drops below a predetermined
accomplished by using the system checkout procedures
value. It also provides an indication of emergency
for testing the circuitry of the alarm switchboards and
shutdown of the compressors. This circuit is classified
associated connections by switch- board test procedures
as nonvital readiness class 1.
and by using applicable Planned Maintenance System
(PMS) cards.
Pressure transducers and pressure switches are
Power for each circuit is provided from the alarm
located in the piping for the system.
Each transducer is a pressure-to-current type that
transmits a dc signal, proportional to the pressure, to
a signal conditioner in the auxiliary control console.
The HP and LP air receiver pressures are displayed on
digital demand display. The HP range is 0 to 6000 psig
and the LP range is 0 to 200 psig. These pressures are
continuously monitored so that if, at any time, the
Circuit 3EG provides means for indicating and
alarming low pressure in the propeller hydraulic oil
pressure drops below a predetermined value, visual
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