![]() station and an indicator on the damage control
reaches the highest or lowest permissible operating
level. The system consists of a drum water level
indicator for each boiler, which energizes audible and
The installation for each gas turbine module
visual alarm signals at the associated boiler operating
consists of a pressure-operated switch (manual reset)
station. Visual indications (red lights) will also be on
in the Halon actuating line in the CCS, which
energizes the following when the gas is released:
the CCS indicating board. The water level indicator
for each boiler will be provided with electrical
Alarm signals on the alarm switchboard
contacts at the high- and low-level marks on the drum.
specified for circuit F in the damage control
Either set of contacts upon closing will energize the
area of CCS
An explosion-proof bell, IC/B2S4(EXP),
Where only one alarm is required, the system
installed within the space
consists of high- and low-water level contacts that
-- A two-dial lamp-type (red ALARM lens and
energize a type IC/H8S4 horn through a cutout switch
white POWER-ON lens) installed outside of
and a four-dial indicator (one lens blank) on the boiler
each access to the protected spaces
gauge board. The four-dial indicator will have power
A rotary snap switch in the discharge line of the
on indication and red high- and low-water level
Halon bank energizes a single-dial (red HALON RLS
lens) lamp-type indicator at the local Halon actuating
For troubleshooting the system, refer to the
station and indicators on the damage control console.
appropriate technical manual, drawings, and PMS
Supervisory resistors are provided in all pressure
cards for the system applicable to your ship.
switches used to actuate alarm modules on the circuit
F alarm switchboard, which has been previously
Individual extension alarms are provided from all
circuit FR alarm modules to the damage control
Circuit DW provides a means of warning
personnel at the engine order system (EOS) area of the
When the Halon flood switch at the PCC is set, the
CCS when the operation of the propeller pitch control
circuit is closed to a solenoid valve to actuate the
mechanism is in the opposite direction to an order
Halon system within the gas turbine enclosure. A
acknowledged over the EOS. This circuit is classified
manual Halon inhibit switch at the enclosure in the
as vital readiness class 2.
open position closes the circuit to a console Halon
ready indicator.
When actual operation of the EOS does not match
Circuitry for the alarm switchboard and related
the EOS acknowledgement of the ordered propulsion
connections may be verified by switchboard test
command, the contacts in the propulsion control unit
and the EOS close in such combination to transmit a
The remaining circuits can only be tested by
signal to the EOS WRONG DIRECTION indicator at
simulating an alarm condition at each pressure switch.
the PCC.
Power supply for each system can be verified by
When the propeller shaft watermills after a change
the white light at each access to each space.
in direction has been ordered, a reverse direction
contact in the shaft revolution transmitter closes,
Checkout procedures for the GT Halon Release
energizing a relay that, in turn, closes a contact to
System can be found in the Propulsion Control System
Technical Manual.
actuate logic circuitry, which energized the shaft
reverse rotation alarm indicator in the PCC.
For troubleshooting and repair of the wrong
direction indicating system and the shaft reverse
rotation system, refer to the Propulsion Control
Circuit 1TD provides a means of indicating alarm
System Technical Manual.
signals for each boiler when the steam drum water
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