![]() indicating system can be found in the Propulsion
indicators and a bell in the auxiliary control console
Control System Technical Manual.
are energized.
The pressure at the starting air manifold is
continuously displayed on an analog indicator on the
auxiliary control console with a 0 to 150 psig range.
Each HP and LP compressor is fitted with a safety
Circuit EP provides a means for indicating high
shutdown feature that closes a contact in its motor
temperature for the lubricating oil supply to the gas
controller. This contact, in turn, energizes circuits in
turbine. This system is classified as semivital
the auxiliary control console to display a visual alarm
readiness class 1.
and sound a horn.
A signal, taken from circuit TM (temperature
In addition to the alarms on the auxiliary control
indicating and alarm system), is used as an input to an
console associated with the air receiver pressures,
alarm control module at the local operating station
there is a pressure switch fitted in the piping for each
when the lubricating oil reaches a predetermined
HP and LP air receiver. Alarm modules on the IC/SM
temperature. An alarm signal is generated and
switchboards in auxiliary machinery rooms No. 2 and
transmitted from the local operating station to the
No. 3 actuated by these pressure switches are used to
PCC, where it energizes visual and audible alarm
indicate a low-pressure condition at any of the HP or
LP air receivers. Alarms for HP and LP receiver No.
Checkout procedures for this circuit can be found
1 appear on alarm switchboard No. 2 in auxiliary
in the Propulsion Control System Technical Manual.
machinery room No. 2. Alarms for HP and LP air
receivers No. 2 appear on alarm switchboard No. 4 in
Power supply for this circuit is taken from the
auxiliary machinery room No. 3.
The engine turbocharger pressures are displayed
on the digital demand display at the electric plant
control console.
Low-pressured conditions, at the brake actuator
Circuit LB provides a means of signaling that a
and at the turbine brake actuator, operate pressure-
steering casualty has occurred. This system is
sensitive switches, which transmit signals to alarm
classified as vital readiness class 2.
indicators at the PCC.
In the event of a casualty to the steering control
Transducer-controlled signals drive pressure
system, the operator at the SCC operates the steering
meter displays at the local operating station for gas
alarm switch on the console. One pole of this switch
turbine starting air pressure. Alarm signals, taken from
closes the circuit to the siren in the steering gear room.
the meter circuitry, are transmitted to the PCC for
A plate installed at the siren reads "WHEN THIS
energizing alarm indicators at the PCC.
TAKE CONTROL." The second pole of the switch on
The PCC computer calculates gas generator
the SCC is bridged with a supervisory resistor and is
pressure ratios. The output signal is displayed on a
connected to an alarm module of the alarm
console meter and is transmitted to the local operating
switchboard in the machinery control area of CCS.
station instrument panel for display on a second meter.
Thus, operation of the switch alerts CCS of the
steering control casualty.
System checkout procedures for the HP and LP air
indicating and alarm circuits can be found in the
System checkout can be performed by operation
Auxiliary Control Console Technical Manual. The
of the switch on the SCC. Circuit checkout of the
alarm circuitry may be verified with its test circuit as
signal in CCS is available at the alarm switchboard.
described in the appropriate PMS cards. Checkout
procedures for the engine turbocharger indicating
system can be found in the Electric Plant Control
Console Technical Manual. Checkout procedures for
the actuator alarm systems, the low starting air
Circuit PF provides an indication to a remote
station when power input to the main IC switchboard
pressure alarms, and the gas generator pressure ratio
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