![]() Centerline Camera Installation
facilities for removal of water that may accumulate
during operation; and a jackbox for connection of a
Two centerline camera installations, identified as
sound-powered telephone headset to provide audio
Aft and Forward are required to accommodate the
communication with the ILARTS control room. In
range of hook-to-eye values of the various aircraft, and
addition, electrical power at 115 volts, 60 Hz, single
the resultant vertical displacement of the optical glide
phase, 10 amperes is required for operation of the
path. Each of the centerline camera installations is
viewfinder monitor and zoom lens control of the
enclosed in a compartment approximately 6-feet by
island camera housing.
6-feet, The compartment is equipped with a locking
access door; utility outlets at 115 volts, 60 Hz, single
Control Room
phase for operation of test equipment and portable
power tools for maintenance purposes; a 125-psi air
The ILARTS control room contains all equipment
supply line with shut-off valves; piping connections
required for operation, control, switching, and
to ship's drain; and a jackbox for connection of
distribution of video and audio signals. It is also used
s o u n d - p o w e r e d telephone headset for audio
communication to the ILARTS control room.
for shipboard intermediate level maintenance of the
I L A R T S e q u i p m e n t . T h e room should be
air-conditioned. The heat dissipation of the ILARTS
Island Camera Station
equipment is 10 kW. A sound-powered telephone
circuit from the control room to the island camera
The island camera station is located on the ship's
station and each of the centerline camera compart-
island structure approximately 40 feet above the flight
ments is required to provide audio communication
deck. The island camera station is protected by an
during operation and maintenance of the system. A
enclosure. The enclosure is equipped with 115-volt ac
workbench, cabinets, and stowage space is required
utility outlets for maintenance purposes; red and white
lighting; space heaters or forced hot air to keep the
for intermediate level maintenance tools and test
enclosure dry when not in operation; drainage
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