![]() of a camera head unit (CHU), a camera control unit
The omnidirectional antenna is designed for
(CCU), and a remote control panel (RCP), are used in
marine use. The TV signals are picked up by the
antenna and fed to the signal amplifier through the
the present system. Two of the CHUs are located at
lightning arrestor box. The lightning arrestor box
selected positions along the angled deck centerline to
protects the system from damage in case lightning
provide glide slope and line-up data during the
strikes the antenna. The signal amplifier raises the
approach. Each of the two centerline CHUs is
signals received to a level required to provide
equipped with a 120mm fixed focal length lens, which
adequate signals to the distribution system. The signal
provides approximately a 14-degree (horizontal) by
splitter and line taps provide for multiple outlets for
10-degree (vertical) field of view.
distribution of the signals. A signal/duplex outlet box
The centerline CHUs are mounted vertically
is mounted wherever a television receiver is located.
(below and perpendicular to the flight deck) and view
The outlet box contains a duplex 115-volt, 60-Hz,
the flight deck through the deck fixture. The deck
single-phase receptacle and a TV antenna outlet.
fixture contains the viewing aperture (window) and a
The television receivers are standard commercial
mirror assembly, which provides a means of setting
televisions. Impedance matching transformers are
the optical axis (of the 120mm lens/CHU assembly)
required for each receiver to match the impedance of
parallel to the optical glide slope of the incoming
the antenna distribution system with the input of the
aircraft (fig. 8-19).
receivers. The transformers are usually installed in the
line on the back of the receivers. The number of
The remaining CHU is located above the flight
television receivers will vary depending on the size
deck level on the island structure, which provides an
and class of the ship.
unobstructed view of the flight deck. This CHU is used
to identify the aircraft and the arresting wire engaged.
It is also used to monitor launch operations, accidents,
and other flight deck activity. The island camera CHU
is equipped with a motor-operated 10:1 zoom lens.
The camera housing contains the operator's
viewfinder (monitor) and zoom control. The island
The ILARTS system is a replacement for the Mk
camera unit (CHU, zoom lens, and housing) is
1 Mod 4 landing signal officer (LSO) pilot landing aid
mounted on a pedestal equipped with a manually
television (PLAT) system (fig. 8-19) currently in use
operated pan and tilt head (fig. 8-19). This, of course,
aboard U.S. Navy aircraft earners. The PLAT system
requires that an operator be present in the island
is becoming logistically unsupportable. The primary
camera booth. The control of the CHU itself is
purpose of the ILARTS system, as with the PLAT
accomplished in the same manner as the centerline
system, remains the simultaneous monitoring and
CHUs. The CHUs are controlled from a centralized
recording of aircraft recovery operations, both day and
control room that contains equipment required for
night, as a debriefing medium for pilots and for
processing, control, and synchronization. The control
detailed accident analysis. In addition, programmed
room also contains equipment for switching,
servo control equipment and additional camera
control equipment required for a catapult launch
recording, and distribution of the video signals, as well
surveillance system being developed can be
as audio signals obtained from the LSO radio.
accommodated within the equipment racks and
Monitoring equipment consisting of a 9-inch or
control console and fully integrated into the video
17-inch monitor and 1-watt loudspeaker are located in
switching, recording, distribution, and display
each of the selected spaces throughout the ship.
equipment provided.
The shipboard installation of the ILARTS system
consists of two centerline camera installations; an
The ILARTS system is a closed television circuit
island camera station; a centralized control room; and
to monitor aircraft landings aboard U.S. Navy aircraft
a remotely located monitor installed in the pilot house,
carriers during both day and night operations, and is
each of the squadron ready rooms, and other
planned for expansion to include surveillance of
designated spaces. The general arrangement of the
launch operations. Three low-light level television
system is shown in figure 8-19.
(LLLTV) camera chains, each of which is comprised
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