![]() The SITE system is a self-contained, CCTV
Remote Monitors
system that uses video cameras, video cassette
Television monitors and loudspeakers are
recorder/producers, film projectors, slide projectors,
installed at various designated spaces.
and television receivers.
An electronic switching system is used to
System Interface Requirements
modulate the audio and video signals to the applicable
television frequencies, The signals are then distributed
The ILARTS system interfaces with other
to television receivers located throughout the ship.
shipboard equipment according to the following:
The television receivers used with the SITE system are
the same as those described earlier in this chapter.
SITE II is the second generation standardized
CCTV system for Navy shipboard information,
1. LSO Heads-Up Display (HUD)
training, and entertainment. The system is engineered,
assembled, and procured by the USA Television--
Cable W47
a. LSO Audio
Audio Support Activity (T-ASA). SITE II is the
largest of the three systems being used in Navy ships.
Cable W51
b. ILARTS Video to LSO
Smaller versions with limited capability, designated
HUD Console
as MINI SITE and SUB SITE, are also being used in
c. Manually Operated Visual
Cable W55
certain classes of Navy small surface ships and
Landing Aid System
submarines. However, SUB SITE and MINI SITE will
not be discussed in this chapter.
Cable W19
2. Ships HD-HE Equipment,
Synchro Signal for Wind
Cable W11
3. AN/SPN-44 Radar, DC
The SITE II design is based on the experiences of
Analog Voltage for Aircraft
the SITE 1/1A systems. It features a significant
Speed, Range, and Sink Rate
reduction in physical size, while maintaining
operational capabilities. A technician, whether or not
Cable W8
4. Fresnel Lens Optical Landing
trained on SITE 1/1 A, will find SITE II to be more
System Mk 5 Mod 2 for
reliable and easier to maintain.
Wave-Off/Cut Signals
The service manuals are designed to keep all
Cable W4
5. Ship's Gyro, Two-Speed
pertinent SITE II reference material under one cover.
Synchros for Pitch and Roll
The technical manuals in the binders are the actual
Stabilization Signals
manufacturers' technical references for operation and
6. Landing Area Signal System
Cable W13
maintenance of the equipment.
for Clear Deck-Foul Deck
The program-originating equipment is housed in
and on two dual bays (fig. 8-20).
Cable W48
7. Sound-Powered Telephone
Both bays are equipped with identical diplexers,
which make up the film/slide chain input for the
system. Each diplexer is shock-mounted on its
respective dual bay and includes a Hitachi GP-7 color
camera, a 16mm film projector, a two-position 70mm
An audiovisual entertainment system combines
anamorphic lens, a 35mm slide projector, and a
both audio entertainment and television entertainment
diplexing optical mirror assembly.
into one system. The audiovisual entertainment
system installed on board Navy ships today is the
The 16mm film projectors are each equipped with
Shipboard Information, Training, and Entertainment
a special 3-inch lens to match the optical
(SITE) system.
characteristics of the camera. A gelatin neutral density
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