called station, via output transformer T3, volume control
S25, and relay contacts K1, K4, and K3.
The main differences between the older intercoms
The integrated intercommunication announcing
system is installed in submarines to provide the services
and the fully transistorized units concern the connection
of both central amplifiers and intercommunication
of a remote loudspeaker (model S-223) and the addition
systems. The system has the capablitiy for the
of a hands-free position to the press-to-talk switch.
transmission of orders, information, alarms, and
Connecting the loudspeaker calls for some minor wiring
selected station-to-station calls. The modes of operation
changes, such as cutting the leads on the switch
it provides are as follows:
assembly. Complete instructions for connecting the
1. One-way broadcast of orders and information to
loudspeaker are contained in the manufacturer's
select areas of the submarine or to the entire
technical manual. When the press-to-talk switch is in the
hands-free position, the calling station controls the
2. Group announcing systems for intercom-
transmitting or receiving function; the receiving station
munication between stations performing
common or related functions.
need not press the switch to talk.
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