![]() From the pilothouse chart table to the navigation
Switches and audible devices are installed adjacent
to the ends of the voice tubes as follows:
bridge wing peloruses (port and starboard)
From the chart room chart table to the navigation
Surface ships
bridge wing peloruses (port and starboard)
Push buttons are installed at the pilothouse chart
From the flag plot chart table to the flag bridge
table and chart room chart table and are connected to
energize a bell installed at each navigation bridge
wing peloruses (port and starboard)
pelorus (port and starboard).
From the pilothouse to the captain's sea cabin
Push buttons are installed at the flag plot and are
connected to energize a bell installed at each flag bridge
pelorus (port and starboard).
From the engine room (upper level) to the engine
room (lower level)
A push button and buzzer are installed in the
pilothouse and captain's sea cabin, with each push
From the engine room (steam plant control
button connected to energize its respective buzzer.
panel) to the engine room (lower level) forward and aft
From the auxiliary machinery room (upper
level) to the auxiliary machinery room (lower level)
A push button is installed at one end of the tube
and connected to energize a horn installed at the other
Voice tubes used for ship control functions are fitted
end of the tube.
with a megaphone-type mouthpiece at interior stations
and a hinged cover mouthpiece at weather stations. The
voice tube between the pilothouse and the captain's sea
cabin is fitted with an open mouthpiece in the pilothouse
In this chapter, we have discussed how the
and a hinged cover mouthpiece in the sea cabin. Voice
sound-powered telephone system is used to provide a
tubes between machinery stations are fitted with open
reliable means of verbal communication aboard ship.
mouthpieces. Drain plugs are provided in the lowest
We have identified the various sound-powered
level of each voice tube so any water that may have
telephone circuits used with the system.
entered the voice tube can be drained from it.
We have explained how to operate and maintain the
Voice tubes are provided with a call circuit to alert
equipment used with the sound-powered telephone
personnel to man the tube. Each call circuit is designated
system. We have identified the call and signal circuits
used with the sound-powered telephone system. We also
as circuit VT and assigned the same number as its
have explained how to operate and maintain the
associated voice tube. The VT circuit operates on
associated equipment used with the call and signal
120-volt, 60-Hz, single-phase power, which is obtained
from the nearest local lighting system supply. When
alerted by the call signal, a person at the called station
W e have discussed the operation of the
merely talks into the voice tube and is answered by a
AN/WTC-2(V) sound-powered telephone system and
person at the calling station.
the use of voice tubes aboard ship.
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