Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to do the following:
Describe the purpose of the automatic dial telephone system installed on Navy
Identify the two versions of the type G telephone sets used with the system.
Describe how the two versions of the type G telephone sets operate and how
the sets are maintained.
Identify some of the more common troubles associated with the telephone sets.
Describe some of the different types of telephone switchboards and how they
are maintained.
Describe the functions of the automatic dial telephone switchboards.
Identify the automatic switching equipment used with the switchboard.
Describe the function of the attendant's cabinet used with the switchboard.
Describe the procedures for isolating and clearing the various alarms associ-
ated with the switchboard.
Briefly describe some of the preventive maintenance procedures associated
with the switchboard and the attendant's cabinet.
Describe how shore lines are connected to the ship's automatic dial telephone
system and other telephone sets on the ship.
mechanisms are controlled at the calling phone by a
dial on the telephone instrument. When the dial is
The automatic dial telephone system (designated
operated, it causes a series of interruptions, or
circuit J) is used on board ship primarily as an admin-
impulses, in a current flowing in the line circuit. The
istrative circuit. It also supplements other communica-
number of impulses sent out by the dial corresponds
tion facilities for ship control, fire control, and damage
to the digit dialed. These impulses cause the automatic
control on board ship. The automatic dial telephone
switches to operate and to select the called telephone.
system provides two-way telephone communications
on a fully selective basis under the direct control of
The automatic dial telephone system consists of
the calling stations. This includes two-way communi-
(1) telephone line station equipment and (2) an
cations between telephone line stations throughout the
automatic dial telephone switchboard that includes the
ship and between ship and shore systems.
switching mechanisms necessary to interconnect the
line stations and accessory equipment used to
In an automatic telephone system, the connections
interconnect the ship's system with shore systems
between the telephones are completed by remotely
when the ship is in port.
controlled switching mechanisms. The switching
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