cabinet. It is secured to the cabinet with quick-release
fasteners. The control indicator contains all the operator
controls and indicators for the gyrocompass set. The
The battery set is installed in the electrical
control indicator also contains built-in test equipment
equipment cabinet (fig. 4-43). It is secured in the cabinet
(BITE) for the major assemblies and subassemblies.
by quick-release fasteners. The battery set consists of a
BITE circuits identify equipment faults and provide
battery, isolation diodes, fuses, and sensing circuits. The
visual indications of the faulty assembly or
battery consists of 60 sealed lead-acid storage cells.
They are connected in series-parallel, five parallel
branches, consisting of 12 cells per branch, to provide a
nominal 24-volt output for approximately 30 minutes
during normal power failure. The battery set weighs 70
lbs and requires careful handling by two persons when
The control power supply (fig. 4-45) contains the
moved. The battery is under a continuous charge,
control, computing, processing, analog/digital
provided by electronics in the control power supply. The
conversion, input/output interface, and power supply
fuses provide overload protection in the battery charger
electronics for the gyrocompass set. The control power
input circuit and the battery output. The sensing circuits
supply also contains capacitor assemblies, cooling
consist of a high-voltage sensing circuit, a low-voltage
blowers, BITE, and the battery charging electronics for
sensing circuit, and a temperature sensing circuit. The
charging the battery set.
output of these sensing circuits go to BITE circuits in
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