![]() The synchro buffer amplifiers provide the voltage
the control power supply and are routed to BITE
and power levels for the gyrocompass heading, pitch,
indicators on the control indicator.
and roll synchro output signals.
The inverter power supply converts the battery
output to 115-volt, 400-Hz power and converts
this to the proper dc levels for the synchro signal
amplifier. The inverter power supply also produces
The synchro signal amplifier (fig. 4-46) is installed
ac power for the equipment cooling fans and a vital
in the electrical equipment cabinet. It is held in the
heading reference output for the gyrocompass set
cabinet by quick-release fasteners. The synchro signal
when normal single-phase, 400-Hz power is lost.
amplifier contains four synchro buffer amplifiers, an
The inverter power supply also contains BITE
summary logic for the synchro signal amplifier.
inverter power supply, cooling blower, and BITE.
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