![]() up, a compression plate is inserted and tightened
Modular insert semicircular grooved twin half-
until there is sufficient room to insert the end
blocks are matched around each cable to form a single
block. These grooved insert blocks, which hold the
cables (along with the spare insert solid blocks), fill
up a cable support frame.
To complete the sealing of the blocks and cables,
the two bolts in the end packing are tightened evenly
until there is a slight roll of the insert material
During modular armored cable installation, a
around the end packing metal washers. This
sealer is applied in the grooves of each block to seal
indicates the insert blocks and cables are sufficiently
the space between the armor and cable sheath. The
compressed to form a complete seal. The compression
sealer penetrates the braid and prevents air passage
bolt is then backed off about one-eighth of a turn.
under the braid. A lubricant is used when the blocks
are installed to allow the blocks to slide easily over
each other when they are packed and compressed
When removing cable from modular supports, first
over the cable. Stay plates are normally inserted
tighten down the compression bolt. This pushes the
between every completed row to keep the blocks
compression plate further into the frame to free the
positioned and to help distribute compression evenly
split and packing. Then remove this end packing by
through-out the frame. When a frame has been built
loosening the two bolts that separate the metal
washers and the end packing pieces. Back off the
compression bolt, loosening the compression plate.
Then remove this plate, permitting full access to the
insert blocks and cables.
Stuffing Tubes
Stuffing tubes (fig. 2-47, views A, B, and C) are
used to provide for the entry of electric cable into
splashproof, spray tight, submersible, and explosion-
proof equipment enclosures. Cable clamps,
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