![]() commander, audits, squadron commanders, IMAs, and
Conducting QA audits as required by the QA
force ships.
manual and following upon corrective actions to
ensure compliance with the QA program
The QA program organization (Navy) begins with
the commanders in chief of the fleets, who provide the
Maintaining liaison with the IMA office for all
basic QA program organization responsibilities and
work requiring QA controls
Providing QA guidance to the supply department
The type commanders (TYCOMs) provide
when required
instruction, policy, and overall direction for
Preparing QA/QC reports (as required) by higher
implementation and operation of the force QA program.
TYCOMs have a force QA officer assigned to
administer the force QA program.
Maintaining liaison with the ship engineer in all
matters pertaining to QA to ensure compliance
The commanding officers (COs) are responsible to
with the QA manual
the force commander for QA in the maintenance and
The ship quality control inspectors (SQCIs),
repair of the ships. The CO is responsible for organizing
usually the work center supervisor and two others from
and implementing a QA program within the ship to carry
the work center, must have a thorough understanding of
out the provisions of the TYCOMs QA manual.
the QA program. Some of the other responsibilities an
The CO ensures that all repair actions performed by
SQCI will have are as follows:
ship's force conform to provisions of the Qa manual as
Maintain ship records to support the QA
well as pertinent technical requirements.
The CO ensures that all work requests requiring
special controls are properly identified and that
I n s p e c t all work for conformance to
applicable supporting documentation is provided to the
maintenance or repair activity using the applicable QA
Ensure that only calibrated equipment is used in
acceptance testing and inspection of work
The CO also ensures that departures from
Witness and document all tests.
specifications are reported, required audits are
Ensure that all materials or test results that fail to
conducted, and adequate maintenance is performed for
meet specifications are recorded and reported.
the material condition necessary to support continued
unrestricted operations.
Train personnel in QC.
The quality assurance officer (QAO) is
Initiate departure from specification reports
r e s p o n s i b l e to the CO for the organization,
(discussed later) when required.
administration, and execution of the ship's QA program
Ensure that all inspections beyond the
according to the QA manual. On most surface ships
capabilities of the ship's QA inspector are
other than IMAs, the QAO is the chief engineer, with a
performed and accepted by IMA before final
senior chief petty officer assigned as the QA coordinate.
acceptance and installation of the product by the
The QAO is responsible for the following:
Coordinating the ship's QA training program
Report all deficiencies and discrepancies to the
Maintaining ship's QA records and inspection
ship's QA coordinator (keeping the division
reports according to the QA manual
officer informed).
Maintaining auditable departure from
Develop controlled work packages for all ship
specification records
repair work requiring QA controls.
Reviewing procedures and controlled work
More on SQCI duties will be discussed later in this
packages prepared by the ship before submission
chapter, because this will more than likely be the area
you will be associated with.
to the engineer
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