Manufacturers' technical manuals and catalogs
Planned maintenance action forms have shown
Stock cards maintained by the supply officer
themselves adaptable to naval engineering usage. In
Ships' plans, blueprints, and other drawings
addition to these, however, there are several other
required reports, such as quarterly reports, casualty
Allowance lists
reports (CASREPs), casualty corrections (CASCORS),
Nameplates on equipment supply information about
and situation reports (SITREPs). The following
characteristics of the equipment. These are a useful
paragraphs will discuss these reports.
source of information about the equipment itself.
Nameplate data seldom, if ever, include the exact
materials required for repairs. However, the information
given on the characteristics of the equipment maybe a
Quarterly inspection and reports are required as an
useful guide in the selection of materials.
entry in the gyrocompass service record. These reports
Manufacturers' technical manuals are provided
should be completed and submitted to the gyrocompass
with all machinery and equipment aboard ship.
officer for review. The gyrocompass officer is
Materials and repair parts are sometimes described in
responsible for the administration and supervision of
the text of these technical manuals. More commonly,
maintenance and repair of the gyrocompass.
however, details of materials and parts are given on the
drawings. Manufacturers' catalogs of repair parts are
also furnished with some shipboard equipment. When
available, these catalogs are a valuable source of
When equipment cannot be repaired within a
information on repair parts and materials.
24-hour period, you should submit a CASREP. The
CASREP has been designed to support the Chief of
The set of stock cards maintained by the supply
Naval Operations (CNO) and fleet commanders in the
officer is often a useful source of information on repair
management of assigned forces. The CASREP also
materials and repair parts. One of these cards is
alerts the Naval Safety Center of incidents that are
maintained for each type of machinery repair part
crucial in mishap prevention. The effective use and
carried on board ship.
support of U.S. Navy units and organizations require an
Ships' plans, blueprints, and other drawings
up-to-date, accurate operational status for each unit. An
available on board ship are excellent sources of
important part of operational capability is equipment
information to use in locatimg materials and repair parts
casualty information. When casualties are reported,
when making various kinds of repairs. Many of these
operational commanders and support personnel are
plans and blueprints are furnished in the regular large
made aware of the status of equipment malfunctions that
sizes; but lately, microfilm is being used increasingly for
may result in the degradation of a unit's readiness. The
these drawings. Information obtained from plans,
CASREP also reports the unit's need for technical
blueprints, and other drawings should always be
assistance and/or replacement parts to correct the
compared to the information given on the ship's
casualty. Once a CASREP is reported, CNO, fleet
Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List (COSAL) to
commanders, and the Ship's Parts Control Center
ensure that any changes made since the original
(SPCC) receive a hard copy of the message.
installation have been noted on the drawings.
Additionally, the CASREP message is automatically
entered into the Navy Status of Forces (NSOF) data base
When you request materials or repair parts,
at each fleet commander-in-chief's site and corrected
remember to find the correct stock number for each item
messages are sent to the CNO's data base.
requested. All materials in the supply system have an
assigned stock number. You can locate them by using
the COSAL and other sources of information. Furnish
enough standard identification information so that
messages are submitted, managers are able to monitor
supply personnel on board ship or ashore can identify
the current status of each outstanding casualty. Through
the use of high-speed computers, managers are able to
the item you want. Experienced supply personnel are
familiar with identification publications. They can help
collect data concerning the history of malfunctions and
effects on readiness. This data is necessary to maintain
you to locate the correct stock numbers and other
and support units dispersed throughout the world.
important identifying information.
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