![]() manufacturers' technical manuals, blueprints,
may be lost if one of them holds up your work and the
drawings, and any other available information.
time spent to transport material between shops. Each
Try to find out in advance all the tools and
shop should make a separate estimate, and the
materials needed for the job.
estimates should be combined to get the final
estimate. Do not try to estimate the time that will
Make a reasonable allowance for waste when
be required by other personnel. Attempting to
calculating the amount of material you will
estimate what someone else can do is risky because
you cannot possibly have enough information to
make an accurate estimate.
Consider all the interruptions that will cause delays,
over and above the time required for the work itself.
The responsibility for maintaining adequate stocks
Such things as drills, inspections, field days, and
of engine-room repair parts and repair materials belongs
working parties have quite an effect on the number of
at least as much to you as it does to the supply
people who will be available to work on the job at any
department. The duties of the supply officer are to buy,
given time.
receive, stow, issue, and account for most types of stores
required for the support of the ship. However, the supply
Estimating the number of personnel required for a
officer is not the prime user of repair parts and repair
certain repair job is, obviously, closely related to
materials; the initiative for maintaining adequate stocks
estimating time. You will have to consider not only the
of repair materials, parts, and equipment must come
nature of the job and the number of people available, but
from the personnel who are going to use such items.
also the maximum number of people who can work
Namely you!
EFFECTIVELY on a job or on part of the job at the same
time. On many jobs there is a natural limit to the number
Basic information on supply matters is given in
of people who can work effectively at any one time. On
Military Requirements for Petty Officer Third Class,
a job of this kind, doubling the number of personnel will
not cut the time in half; instead, it will merely result in
Identification of repair parts and materials is not
confusion and aimless milling around.
usually a great problem when you are dealing with
The best way to estimate the time and the number
familiar equipment on your own ship. But it may present
of personnel needed to do a job is to divide the total job
problems when you are doing repair work for other
into the various phases or steps that will have to be done,
ships, as you would if assigned to the gyro shop on a
and then estimate the time and personnel required for
repair ship or tender.
each step, taking in consideration the ship's schedule
The materials and repair parts to be used are
during each step. One way of getting a handle on what
specified for many jobs, but not for all. When
is going on during each step is to consult the ship's
materials or parts are not identified in the instructions
master training schedule and the monthly training plan.
accompanying a job, you will have to use your own
Taking all this miscellaneous time into consideration
judgment or do research to find out what material or
will give you an accurate estimate of time required to
part should be used. When you must make the
accomplish the job.
decision yourself, select materials on the basis of the
Estimating the materials required for a repair job is
purpose of the parts and the service conditions they
often more difficult than estimating the time and labor
must withstand.
required for the job. Although your own experience will
Because materials and repair parts are not specified
be your best guide for this kind of estimating, a few
in the instructions accompanying a job does not mean
general considerations should be noted:
that you are free to use your own judgment in selecting
parts and materials to accomplish a job. Instead, you
Keep accurate records of all materials and tools
must know where to look for information on the type of
used in any major repair job. These records serve
two purposes: first, they provide a means of
material or repair parts needed, then locate and
requisition them to complete the assigned job. The
accounting for materials used; and second, they
provide a guide for estimating materials that will
shipboard sources of information that will be most
helpful to you in identifying or selecting materials are
be used for similar jobs in the future.
as follows:
Before starting any repair job, plan the job
Nameplates on the equipment
carefully and in detail. Make full use of
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