steps that must be taken in removing a cell. The cards
planning should be easy. But some administrative and
are made out for a standard system, and modification is
supervisory duties will not be affected by the 3-M
Systems. You will always find some engine-room
possible. Job cards do, however, give properly
maintenance and repair work that just won't fit into a
sequenced procedures for job performance and should
schedule, but must be done whenever the opportunity
be followed
arise. So, in addition to having the ability to plan, you
Emergency planning should be done when possible
must also have a certain amount of flexibility so you can
in a checkoff list fashion. By analyzing your needs and,
alter your plans to fit the existing circumstances. A few
where possible, writing the job out in procedural steps,
administrative and supervisory considerations that
you may learn many things. On jobs that affect the ship's
apply to maintenance and repair are discussed in the
maneuverability, the written procedural method is
following sections.
particularly effective in getting the right conditions set
The 3-M Systems, like any other system or program,
up and help lined up. By going over the replacement of
is only as good as the personnel who make it work. Your
a synchro transmitter in the propeller revolution
role in the 3-M Systems, as an IC1 or ICC, will include
indicator circuit step by step with your division officer,
the training of lower-rated personnel in its use. These
you may find that you can have the shaft stopped, thus
personnel must be trained in the scheduling and
aiding in the repair of the synchro transmitter.
supervision of maintenance. As a supervisor, you should
You must ensure that all personnel are informed
keep abreast of all developments and changes to the 3-M
Systems. Details on the 3-M Systems and changes
about the nature and scheduling of repairs. The
related to it are available in the Ship's Maintenance and
realignment of a gyrocompass synchro amplifier may
Material Management (3-M) Manual, OPNAVINST
cause havoc for the ETs, FTs, STs, and OSs. However,
if you inform the group supervisors ahead of time, they
can act to prevent or lessen trouble in their equipment.
Emergency repairs require the permission of the OOD.
Your division officer should always be notified. You
must remember that the IC group is not an end unto
Careful planning is necessary to keep an IC shop
itself, but rather a member of a team.
running efficiently and productively. Planning results in
the proper employment of your people. Today's IC
An important phase of planning your work is the
Electricians are well-trained technicians, who have the
organizing of your personnel to accomplish their task.
right to expect their service to be employed in an orderly
This is, however, a ship-to-ship problem, with subgroup
fashion with proper organization and supervision.
supervisors varying in technical background and
subordinate personnel varying in number.
The weekly PMS work schedule is a proven method
of ensuring proper personnel employment. The
It is imperative that a team spirit is developed in
mechanics of the PMS system allows the supervisor to
your personnel and that you maintain something of a
ensure that there is adequate time for training, ship's
competitive spirit. Through proper employment of
evolutions, recreation, and so on. Most important in
competition, the standard of the IC group at work, at
using PMS is the supervisor's familiarity with the ship's
quarters, and in the compartment can be maintained
schedule on a given day. You must "get the word" so that
above that of the other engineers. By the nature of the
you can plan your people's work. Therefore, getting the
work involved, IC Electricians should be able to
word is your responsibility. The proper use of the weekly
maintain their berthing spaces and their uniforms in top
PMS work schedule will, in a short time, result in more
training and less equipment downtime. Your subgroup
leaders must use foresight in planning this schedule. In
There is often a reluctance on the part of many
particular, avoid stretching your supervisory personnel
technicians to make the change to technical supervisor.
too thin. A person cannot provide adequate supervision
As the leading IC Electrician, you must ensure that this
to the installation of an electromagnetic log (sword) and
change takes place. You can do this by assigning part of
the removal of a wind indicator (bird) at the same time.
the supervisory load to personnel who have advanced in
an orderly fashion. Take care to provide up-to-date
The job cards used in the PMS system can be useful
records that will help them on the new assignment. Be
maintenance aids on any ship, provided they first are
sure that time is allowed for them to become familiar
tailored to your ship via the PMS feedback report. Your
with their new responsibility. Take them into your
particular salinity system may have one or two peculiar
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