![]() CHAPTER 1
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to do the following:
2. Describe the steps in preparing and reviewing
1. Identify the steps in planning and scheduling work
and in assigning tasks and duties.
casualty reports (CASREPs), casualty corrections
(CASCORs), and situation reports (SITREPs).
The following list includes the duties and
responsibilities that are common to most shop
As an IC Electrician First Class or Chief, you can
expect to spend much more time on administrative and
Getting the right person on the job at the right
supervisory duties. As an administrator, you will assign
tasks and fill out required reports and schedules. As a
supervisor, you will oversee the work and make sure it
Using tools and materials as economically as
is done correctly and on time.
As an IC1 or ICC, you maybe required to organize
Preventing conditions that might cause accidents
and supervise an IC shop aboard ship. This chapter will
give you insight into the areas of shop supervision and
Maintaining discipline
report preparation and will provide you with useful tools
Keeping records and preparing reports
that will help you fulfill your role as a shop supervisor.
Some areas of shop supervision are not covered in this
Maintaining the quality and quantity of repair
chapter. But, you may find information about these areas
in other publications, such as the Ship's Maintenance
and Material Management (3-M) Manual,
Planning and scheduling repair work
OPNAVINST 4790.4B; Navy Occupational Safety and
Training personnel
Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual, OPNAVINST
5100.23B; Navy Safety Precautions for Forces Afloat,
Requisitioning tools, equipment, and materials
OPNAVINST 5100.19B; and Engineering Admin-
Inspecting and maintaining tools and equipment
istration, NAVEDTRA 10858-F.
Giving orders and directions
Cooperating with others
Checking and inspecting completed repairs
As an ICI or ICC, one of your more important roles
will be as a supervisor or leader. You will be responsible
Promoting teamwork
for planning and organizing work and supervising and
directing personnel.
As the IC1 or ICC in charge of an IC shop, you
To fulfill your administrative and supervisory
s h o u l d fully appreciate and understand the
responsibilities in connection with maintenance and
responsibility you hold as a member of a shipboard
repair, you must have the ability to plan. By following
organization and be able to identify each of your duties
prescribed procedures of the 3-M Systems, maintenance
with respect to any assigned job.
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