![]() can occur from even a small spark drawn from a charged
phenolic material, or even heavy dry paper in several
piece of metal or rigging. Although the spark itself may
thicknesses. Be sure any such insulating material is dry,
be harmless, the "surprise" may cause the worker to let
has no holes in it, and has no conducting materials
go his grasp involuntarily. There is also shock hazard if
embedded in it. Cover sufficient areas so adequate
nearby antennas are energized, such as those on stations
latitude is permitted for movement by the worker in
ashore or aboard a ship moored alongside or across a
doing the work
4. Use insulated hand tools.
Danger also exists from rotating antennas that might
5. Insofar as practicable, provide insulating
cause personnel working aloft to fall by knocking them
barriers between the work and any live metal parts
from their perch. Motor safety switches controlling the
immediately adjascent to the work to be done.
motion of antennas must be tagged and locked open
6. Use only one hand in accomplishing the work
before anyone is allowed aloft close to such antennas.
if practical. Wear a rubber glove on the hand not used
Personnel working near a stack must wear the rec-
for handling tools. If the work being done permits, wear
ommended oxygen breathing apparatus. Among other
rubber gloves on both hands.
toxic substances, stack gas contains carbon monoxide.
7. Have personnel stationed by circuit breakers or
Carbon monoxide is too unstable to buildup to a high
switches, and telephone manned if necessary, so the
concentration in the open, but prolonged exposure to
circuit can be de-energized immediately in case of
even small quantities is dangerous.
Each time a person goes aloft to work he/she must
8. Have immediately available a person qualified
follow established procedures listed here:
in mouth-to-mouth respiration and cardiac massage for
1. Get permission of the communications watch
electric shock.
officer (CWO) and the OOD.
Tagging Procedure
2. Check with the engineer officer to ensure that
the boiler safety valves are not being set.
For many years the Navy has recognized the value
3. Get the assistance of another person along with
of tagging circuits upon which personnel are working,
a ship's Boatswain's Mate who is qualified in rigging.
but a good tagging procedure is worthless unless it is
4. Wear a safety harness. To be of any benefit, the
backed up by the petty officers in charge. Often junior
personnel tend to take tags lightly--a tendency that could
best harness must be fastened securely as soon as the
place of work is reached. Some workers had complained
prove fatal. Then too, there have been cases where
personnel have long since left the ship and the tags they
on occasion that a safety harness is clumsy and interferes
with movement. True as this maybe, it is also true that
installed remain in place. When this happens, the entire
a fall from the height of an antenna is usually fatal.
circuit must be checked for grounds and shock hazards
before the tags are removed and the circuit energized.
5. Keep both hands free for climbing. Tools are not
to be carried in hand; an assistant can lift them to the
Recently there has been a tendency to supply power
work site.
to certain nonvital circuits, such as the wardroom buzzer
system, from local lighting panels. Since power is taken
6. Secure tools with preventer lines to keep them
from a lighting panel, the repairing IC Electrician must
from dropping on a shipmate.
tag the circuit using a red danger tag before working on
7. Keep a good footing and firm grasp at all times.
The nautical expression HOLD FAST serves as a good
If more than one repairman is engaged in repairing
memory device, in case one is needed.
apiece of equipment, each person should tag the circuit
and, upon completion of work, each should remove
Shore Connections
his/her own tag.
The connection of the ship's service telephone
Working Aloft
system to a shore exchange is a frequent evolution
When radio or radar antennas are energized by
carried out by junior IC Electricians. There are two
possible hazards: the 48-volt dc power supply and the
transmitters, workers must not go aloft until steps have
90-volt ring current used in telephones.
been taken to ensure that no danger exists. A casualty
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