![]() 12. Never use your finger to test a "hot" line. Use
SAFE PRACTICES.-- When working on electrical
approved meters or other indicating devices.
or electronic circuits, you must observe applicable
safety precautions and follow approved procedures.
It is the responsibility of every person connected
These precautions should be scrupulously followed by
with equipment maintenance to discover and eliminate
both yourself and the person working with you.
unsafe work practices.
1. Electrical and electronic circuits often have
more than one source of power. Take time to study the
Sources of Safety Information
schematics or wiring diagrams of the entire system to
ensure that all power sources are secured and tagged out.
Included among the available sources of safety
information are directives, instructions, and notices
2. If pertinent, inform the remote station
issued by the Chief of Naval Operations, the NSTMs,
regarding the circuit on which work will be performed.
manufacturers' technical manuals, safety notices, and
3. Use one hand when you turn switches on or off.
bulletins published periodically.
Keep the doors to switch and fuse boxes closed, except
when working inside or replacing fuses.
TIONS.-- The items in the various safety directives and
4. After frost making certain that the circuit is
publications are designed to cover usual conditions in
dead, use a fuse puller to remove cartridge fuses.
naval activities. Commanding officers and others in
authority are authorized and encouraged to issue special
5. All supply switches or cutout switches from
precautions to their commands to cover local conditions
which power could possibly be fed should be secured in
and unusual circumstances. Guidance for the promotion
the off or open (safety) position and tagged with a red
of accident prevention aboard ship is contained in the
danger tag (NAVSHIPS 9890/S(REV)).
Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH)
6. Keep clothing, hands, and feet dry if at all
Program Manual for Forces Afloat, OPNAVINST
possible. When it is necessary to work in wet or damp
5100.19B, and the Navy Occupational Safety and
Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual, OPNAVINST
locations, use a dry steady platform to sit or stand on,
5100.23B. Safety directives and precautions should be
and place a rubber mat or other nonconductive material
followed to the letter in their specific application.
on top of the platform. Use insulated tools and insulated
Should any occasion arise in which any doubt exists as
flashlights of the molded type when required to work on
to the application of a particular directive or precaution,
exposed parts. In all instances, repairs on energized
the measures to be taken are those which will achieve
circuits must be made with the primary power not
maximum safety. The safety officer is available to assist
applied except in case of emergency, and then only after
in interpreting and suggesting ways of implementing
specific approval has been given by the commanding
safety directives and precautions.
officer. When approval has been obtained to work on
equipment with the power applied, keep one hand free
Chapter 300, "The Electrical Plant General," gives clear
at all times (behind you or in your pocket).
and concise electrical safety precautions that should be
7. Never short out, tamper with, or block open an
"required study material for all hands." Although some
interlock switch.
areas may need explanation to nonrated personnel,
many items of common sense are stressed. This material
8. Keep clear of exposed equipment; when it is
should be included in the training of all personnel, with
necessary to work on it, wear approved, tested rubber
heavy emphasis placed on the correct procedure for
gloves and work with one hand as much as possible.
artificial respiration.
9. Avoid reaching into enclosures except when
Other chapters of the NSTM, including chapter 430,
absolutely necessary; when reaching into an enclosure,
"Interior Communications," give specific precautions
use rubber gloves to prevent accidental contact with the
related to specific areas.
10. Make certain that equipment is properly
ALS.-- Applicable safety precautions are written in all
equipment technical manuals. Generally speaking, most
11. Turn off the power before connecting alligator
training underscores the Principle of Operation and the
Maintenance sections of these manuals, yet fails to place
clips to any circuit.
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