![]() when new safety posters or precautions are received,
activity. Upon transfer to a different activity, each
supervisors are responsible for interpreting the
individual usually must requalify.
messages correctly. In this way, they will ensure all
As a Petty Officer Second Class, you will be able to
personnel interpret and observe the approved safety
use the required watch station PQS to help train the
rules and procedures correctly. It is essential that all
personnel assigned to your watch section. It will also
repair and maintenance work be accomplished without
give you a way of documenting the progress of each
personnel injury or damage to equipment.
person in qualifying as an IC Electrician watch stander.
Enforcing Safety
Safety precautions, as all rules, laws, or regulations,
Safety is the responsibility of all personnel.
should be enforced. It is your duty to take appropriate
Personnel injury or death due to electric shock and
action any time you see any person disregarding a safety
damage to equipment require that all personnel adhere
precaution. You should require that all jobs be done
strictly to applicable safety precautions. With electrical
according to applicable safety precautions.
and electronic equipment, safety violations could result
in immediate equipment damage and severe personnel
Doing a job the safe way in some cases may take a
little longer or may be a little more inconvenient;
If you are in doubt about applicable electrical or
however, there is no doubt as to the importance of doing
it this way.
electronic safety precautions, refer to NSTM, chapters
300 and 400, the Standard Organization and
Regulations of the U.S. Navy (SORM), ONNAVINST
Safe Electrical/Electronic
3120.32B, and NAVOSH Program Manual for Forces
Afloat, OPNAVINST 5100.19B. Remember, safety is
Electrical/electronic maintenance is, to some extent,
hazardous due to the nature of the work. Safety must
Safety Responsibilities
rank as a prime concern because of the inherent danger
of electrical shock.
U.S. Navy Regulations, article 0712 states: "The
Commanding Officer shall require that all persons
concerned are instructed and drilled inapplicable safety
determine whether you receive a slight or fatal shock are
(1) the amount and duration of current flow, (2) the parts
precautions and procedures, that these are complied
of the body involved, and (3) the frequency of the
with, and that the applicable safety precautions, or
extracts therefrom, are posted in appropriate places, In
current if it is ac. Generally, the greater the current flow
and the length of time one is subjected to it will
any instance where safety precautions have not been
issued, or are incomplete, he shall issue or augment such
determine the damage done. The extent of the current
safety precautions as he deems necessary, notifying,
through you to vital nerve centers and organs may
when appropriate, higher authorities concerned."
determine whether or not you survive the electric shock.
The frequency of the current is also a determining factor,
Navy Regulations also spells out specific
with 60- and 400-Hz current flow being more dangerous
responsibilities of the executive officer, engineer
than dc.
officer, division officer, and engineering officer of the
watch. These regulations are intended to make safety a
The ability to resist an electrical shock will vary
prime responsibility of supervisors. Commanding
from person to person and day to day. The Naval Sea
Systems Command (NAVSEA) has summarized the
officers cannot delegate their safety responsibilities, but
they can delegate their authority to officers and petty
relationship of current magnitude to degree of shock:
officers to ensure safety precautions are understood and
1. At about 1 milliamp (0.001 ampere), shock is
As a supervisor, you must be aware of the safety of
2. At about 10 milliamps (0.01 ampere), shock is
personnel and ensure they receive the necessary training
sufficient to prevent voluntary control of muscles.
and information in regards to safety. The most important
3. At about 100 milliamps (0.1 ampere), shock is
step in maintaining safe working conditions is a
usually fatal if it lasts for 1 second or more.
thorough indoctrination of all personnel. For example,
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