No. 2 that a change in propeller revolutions has been
Engine Order System
The engine order system (circuit MB) transmits
the required shaft direction orders (ahead/back) and
the ordered speed of each shaft from the pilothouse to
each propulsion gauge board.
An engine order indicator-transmitter for each
shaft (1MB for starboard shaft and 2MB for port shaft)
is mounted in the upper section of the ship's control
console. An operating handle is attached to each
indicator-transmitter, The lee helmsman operates the
handles whenever a change in shaft direction or speed
is ordered by the OOD. There is also a push button and
a bell located on the console for each indicator-
(circuit M).
transmitter. The push buttons are used to alert the
appropriate engine room of a change in orders. The
bells alert the lee helmsman that the order has been
console, it is received and indicated on this propeller
acknowledged by the appropriate engine room.
order indicator-transmitter. The throttleman in engine
room No, 1 acknowledges the change by transmitting
Each engine room has one indicator-transmitter
the order back to the propeller order indicator-
engine order, the throttleman acknowledges the order
transmitter in the ship's control console. In the event
by turning the knob and matching its transmitter to the
of an engineering casualty or specific test, the
received order. A push button is located on the
throttleman in the engine room can reverse the
procedure by requesting specific revolutions per
A propeller order indicator (fig. 10-3) is mounted
on the gauge board of engine room No. 2. This
indicator is used to inform the watch in engine room
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