Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to do the following:
Describe the purpose of the sound-powered telephone system installed on Navy
Identify the sound-powered telephone circuits, as to type and classification.
Describe the proper procedures for paralleling sound-powered telephone
Describe the X40J casualty communication circuit.
Describe the phone/distance and station-to-station lines used during
replenishment at sea.
Describe the preventive maintenance procedures for sound-powered telephone
ldentify the equipment used with the sound-powered telephone system, to include
handsets, headset-chestsets, sound-powered amplifiers, amplifier control
switches, circuit selector switches, soundproof booths, and the plotters transfer
Explain how to operate and maintain the equipment used with the
sound-powered telephone system.
Identify the call and signal circuits and associated equipment used with the
sound-powered telephone system.
Describe the AN/WTC-2(V) sound-powered telephone system, including
identification and operation of the major units used with the system.
Explain the purpose of voice tubes installed on Navy ships.
circuits, sound-powered telephone equipment, and
sound-powered call and signal circuits. As an IC
The sound-powered telephone system provides the
Electrician third class, you will indoctrinate personnel
most reliable means of voice communication within a
in the uses and capabilities of the sound-powered
ship. The sound-powered telephone system is used
telephone system. Ths chapter will be an aid in that
aboard ship for two-way voice communication between
indoctrination. Table 5-1 is a glossary of terms for the
various sound-powered telephone stations. The system
sound-powered telephone system. The Sound-Powered
provides a rapid means of transmitting and receiving
Telephone Talkers Manual, NAVEDTRA 14005-A,
verbal orders and information. The system is easy to
maintain and is not easily susceptible to damage during
contains the proper operating procedures for
battle. The system includes sound-powered telephone
sound-powered handsets and headset-chestsets.
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