compass be removed from the ship, its service record
book accompanies it.
The PMS of the 3-M Systems has cut the records
and inspections of the gyrocompass to a minimum.
Naval Ships' Technical Manual, chapter 252, no longer
requires lengthy records to be kept on gyrocompass
equipment; however, it specifically requires the record
book that is sent with each compass to be scrupulously
In this chapter, we have discussed basic gyroscopic
principles and the making of the gyroscope into a
gyrocompass. We have identified and discussed the
The gyrocompass service record book is used to
major components of some of the most common
record important repair information (major part
gyrocompass systems installed on board Navy ships
replacement, overhaul, and field change installation),
today and described the procedures for starting, standing
providing a continuous repair history of each
watch on, and securing these gyrocompasses.
gyrocompass. Instructions for maintaining the record
book are given in the front of the book.
We have also described the purpose of the synchro
The service record book remains with the master
signal amplifiers and ship's course indicators used with
gyrocompass throughout its service life. Should the
the various gyrocompass systems.
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