follow-up errors. The system (fig. 4-20) consists of four
phantom, which measures the angles from the
major components: the master compass, the control
horizontal. The compass element is gimballed in the
cabinet, the compass failure annunciator, and the
binnacle to allow 60 of freedom about the roll axis
standby power supply.
and 40 of freedom about the pitch axis.
SUPPORTING ELEMENT.-- The supporting
Master Compass Assembly
element includes the frame and the binnacle. The
compass elements are gimballed in the binnacle by a
The master compass assembly (fig. 4-21) is
conventional gimballing system with 62 of freedom
approximately 3 feet high and weighs about 685 pounds.
about the roll axis mechanically, 60 electrically; and
Its two major components are the compass element and
42 of freedom about the pitch axis mechanically, 40
the supporting element.
COMPASS ELEMENT.-- The compass element
The meridian and slave gyros are similar in
includes the sensitive element (meridian and slave
construction, with the exception that the slave gyro is
gyros), the gimbal, and the phantom assembly. The
inverted and minor changes in wiring are made. The two
phantom assembly includes the azimuth phantom,
which indicates the meridian, and the roll and pitch
gyro assemblies are mounted on the inner ring of the
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