![]() Sealing plugs are available for sealing nylon
that additional grounding is necessary within
stuffing tubes from which the cables have been
electronic spaces. In this case, the cable armor is
removed. The solid plug is inserted in place of the
flared and trimmed to the outside diameter of
grommet, but the slip washers are left in the tube
the slip washers. One end of the ground strap is
inserted through the cap; and one washer is
flared and trimmed to the outside diameter of
the washers. Contact between the armor and the
A grounded installation that provides for cable
strap is maintained by pressure of the cap on the
entry into an enclosure equipped with a nylon
slip washers and the rubber grommet.
stuffing tube is shown in figure 2-50. This type of
installation is required only when radio interference
tests indicate
Watertight integrity is vital aboard ship in
peacetime or in combat. Just one improper cable
installation could endanger the entire ship. For
example, if a cable is replaced by a newer cable
of a smaller size and the fittings passing
through a watertight bulkhead are not changed
to the proper size, the result could be two
flooded spaces in the event of a collision or
enemy hit.
Kickpipes and Deck Risers
Where one or two cables pass through a deck in a
single group, kickpipes are provided to protect the
cables against mechanical damage. Steel pipes are
used with steel decks, and aluminum pipes with
aluminum and wooden decks. When stuffing tubes
and kickpipes are installed, care must be taken not to
install two different metals together; an electrolytic
action may be set up. Inside edges on the ends of the
pipe and the inside wall of the pipe must be free of
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