![]() SPECIAL USE.-- There are many shipboard
cold, dampness, dryness, bending, crushing, vibration,
electrical circuits where special requirements of
twisting, and shock. No one type of cable has been
voltage, current, frequency, and service must be met
designed to meet all of these requirements; therefore,
in cable installation. There are also other circuits
a variety of types are employed in a shipboard cable
where general use, nonflexing service cable may meet
the necessary requirements, yet be economically
Cables are classified as watertight or nonwater-
impracticable. For these reasons, there are many
tight, watertight with circuit integrity construction or
different types of nonflexing service cable for
nonwatertight with circuit integrity construction, and
armored or unarmored. They are also further classified
for flexing or nonflexing service for power, lighting,
control, electronic, and communication and instru-
mentation applications. Table 2-1 shows the various
classifications for cable.
Watertight with circuit integrity nonflexing service
Power and Lighting
Watertight Cable
Electronic, Communication, and Instrumentation
The term watertight cable indicates standard cable
Watertight, nonflexing service
in which all spaces under the impervious sheath are
Power and Lighting
filled with material. This eliminates voids and
Electronic, Communication, and Instrumentation
prevents the flow of water through the cable by hose
Nonwatertight with circuit integrity, nonflexing service
action if an open end of cable is exposed to water under
Electronic, Communication, and Instrumentation
Nonwatertight, nonflexing service
Power and Lighting
Armored Cable
Electronic, Communication, and Instrumentation
The term armored cable refers to a cable that has
Nonwatertight, flexing service
an outer shield of weaved braid. The braid is made of
Power and Lighting
aluminum or steel and applied around the impervious
Electronic, Communication, and Instrumentation
sheath of the cable. This weaved braid helps prevent
damage to the cable during installation.
Watertight with circuit integrity, nonflexing service
Nonflexing Service
Electronic, Communication, and Instrumentation
Nonflexing service cable designed for use aboard
ship is intended for permanent installation and is
Watertight, nonflexing service
Electronic, Communication, and Instrumentation
commonly referred to as such. Cables for use with
lighting and power circuits are intended for this
Nonwatertight, nonflexing service
nonflexing service. This nonflexing service can be
Electronic, Communication, and Instrumentation
further classified according to its application and is of
two types-general use and special use.
GENERAL USE.-- Nonflexing service cable is
Watertight, flexing service
intended for use in nearly all portions of electric
Electronic, Communication, and Instrumentation
distribution systems, including the common telephone
circuits and most propulsion circuits. Special cases
Nonwatertight, flexing service
occur in dc propulsion circuits for surface ships. In
Power and lighting
those cases where the impressed voltage is less than
Electronic, Communication, and Instrumentation
1000 volts, an exception is permitted.
Nonwatertight, nonflexing service
Electronic, Communication, and Instrumentation
LSDSGA cable is one type usually found in this
general use, nonflexing service. Also in this
Watertight, nonflexing service
Electronic, Communication, and Instrumentation
classification is the type LSMSCA cable. This cable
is nothing more than watertight cable for use in
interior communications, as well as in FC circuits.
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