![]() In IC circuits, for example, the lugs on the wires to
each connection box are stamped with the conductor
marking. The elementary wiring diagrams show the
The wiring deck plan is the actual installation
conductor markings alongside each conductor and how
diagram for the deck or decks shown and is a blueprint
they are connected in the circuit. Elementary wiring
used chiefly in ship construction. It enables the shipyard
diagrams usually do not show the location of connection
electrician to lay out the work for a number of cables
boxes, panels, and soon; therefore, they are not drawn
without referring to each isometric wiring diagram. The
to any scale.
plan includes a bill of material that lists all the materials
and equipment necessary to complete the installation for
the deck or decks concerned. Equipment and materials
except cables are identified by a symbol number both
Various types of electrical systems are installed
on the drawing and in the bill of material.
aboard Navy ships that include many types of electrical
Wiring deck plans are drawn to scale (usually 1/4
d e v i c e s and components. These devices and
inch to the foot); therefore, they show the exact location
components may be located throughout the ship. The
of all fixtures. One blueprint usually shows from 150 to
electrical diagrams and drawings necessary to operate
200 feet of deck space on one deck only. Electrical
and maintain these systems are provided by the ship's
wiring equipment symbols from MIL-STD-15-2 are
electrical blueprints and by drawings and diagrams
used to represent fixtures as in the isometric wiring
contained in NSTMs and manufacturers' technical
Block diagrams of electrical systems show the
The elementary wiring diagram shows in detail each
major units of the system in block form. These diagrams
conductor, terminal, and connection in a circuit.
are used with text material to present a general
Elementary wiring diagrams are used to check for
description of the system and how it functions. Figure
proper connections in a circuit or to make the initial
3-9 shows a block diagram of the electrical steering
Figure 3-9.-Block diagram of a steering system.
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