![]() handle them with care. Here are a few simple rules to
Meaning of Lines
follow to preserve these prints.
To be able to read and verify blueprints, you must
-- Keep prints out of strong sunlight because they
acquire a knowledge of the use of lines. The alphabet of
will fade.
lines is the common language of the technician and the
-- Do not allow prints to become wet or smudged
with oil or grease. Oil and grease seldom dry out
In drawing an object, a draftsman not only arranges
completely; therefore, if the prints become wet
the different views in a certain reamer, but also uses
or smudged with oil or grease, they become
different types of lines to convey information. Line
practically useless.
characteristics, such as width, breaks in the line, and
zigzags, have meaning, as shown by figure 3-6. Figure
-- Do not make pencil or crayon notations on a print
3-7 shows the use of standard lines in a simple drawing.
without proper authority. If you receive
instructions to mark a print, use an appropriate
colored pencil and make the markings a
permanent part of the print. Yellow is a good
Various types of blueprints (usually referred to as
color to use on a print with a blue background
plans) are used in the construction, operation, and
maintenance of Navy ships. The common types are as
-- Keep prints stowed in their proper place so they
can be readily located the next time you want to
Preliminary plansSubmitted with bids or other
refer to them.
plans before award of a contract
Most of the prints you will handle will be received
Contract plansIllustrate design features of the
properly folded. Your main concern will be to refold
ship that are mandatory requirements
them correctly. You may, however, have occasion to
receive prints that have not been folded at all or that have
Contract guidance plansIllustrate design
been folded improperly.
features of the ship subject to development
The method of folding prints depends upon the type
Standard plansIllustrate arrangement or details
and size of the filing cabinet and the location of the
of equipment, systems, or components for which
identifying marks on the prints. It is preferable to place
specific requirements are mandatory
identifying marks at the top of prints when filing them
Type plansIllustrate general arrangement of
vertically and at the bottom right-hand corner when
equipment, systems, or components that arc not
filing (hem flat. In some cases, construction prints are
necessarily subject to strict compliance as to
stored in rolls.
details, provided the required results are
Working plansContractor's construction plans
that are necessary for construction of the ship
Navy electrical prints are used by the IC Electrician
in the installation, maintenance, and repair of shipboard
Corrected plansWorking plans that have been
electrical equipment and systems. These prints include
corrected to illustrate the final ship and system
various types of electrical diagrams as defined in the
arrangement, fabrication, and installation
following paragraphs.
Onboard plansA designated group of plans
illustrating those features considered necessary
shows actual pictorial sketches of the various parts of a
for shipboard reference.
piece of equipment and the electrical connections
between the parts.
that shows the outline of a ship or aircraft or other
Blueprints are valuable permanent records that can
structure and the location of equipment, such as panels
be used over and over if necessary. However, if you are
and connection boxes and cable run.
to keep these prints as permanent records, you must
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