![]() Figure 3-5.-An electrical plan.
development, design engineering, or help from the
notes or as a set of specifications attached to the
preparing organization.
Federal specifications cover the characteristics of
Notes are placed on drawings to give additional
material and supplies used jointly by the Navy and other
information to clarify the object on the blueprint. Leader
government departments. All federal specifications
lines are used to indicate the precise part being notated.
used by the Navy Department as purchase specifications
A specification is a statement or document
are listed in the Department of Defense Index of
containing a description or enumeration of particulars,
Specifications and Standards.
as the terms of a contract or details of an object or objects
not shown on a blueprint or drawing.
Legend or Symbols
Specifications (specs) describe items so they may
be procured, assembled, and maintained to function
according to the performance requirements; furnish
The legend, if used, is placed on the upper
sufficient information to permit determination of
right-hand corner of a blueprint below the Revision
conformance to the description; and furnish the
block. The legend explains or defines a symbol or
special mark placed on a blueprint. Figure 3-5 shows a
i n f o r m a t i o n in s u f f i c i e n t c o m p l e t e n e s s f o r
legend for an electrical plan.
accomplishment without the need of research,
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