![]() program. This means that an item certified as SUB SAFE
A departure from specification is not required for
meets a certain testing or fabrication requirement and
nonconforming conditions discovered and not
can be used as intended in a critical hull integrity or
caused by maintenance or a maintenance
pressure-containing role. On the other hand, material
attempt. Specifically, for items that routinely fail
verification pertains to the level I program. An item
and for which corrective action is planned, only
specified as level I has had its material composition
a CSMP entry is made.
tested and verified. This testing and verification ensures
traceability from the material back to a lot or batch to
ensure that material composition complies with
procurement specifications. This traceability from
material back to lot or batch is done through the assigned
You and your workers who perform maintenance
controlled material number, either a locally assigned
have an obligation to perform every repair according to
number or one assigned by the vendor.
specifications. When a departure is discovered, it is the
responsibility of the person(s) finding it to report it.
There are several causes for workers failing to
report departures from specifications. You must stress
Specifications are engineering requirements, such
to all of your workers that any deviation from
as type of material, dimensional clearances, and
specifications must be recorded, reviewed, and
physical arrangements, by which ship components are
approved by the proper authority. This is sometimes
installed, tested, and maintained. All ships, surface and
caused by the lack of adequate inspection, QC, and
submarine, arc designed and constructed to specific
management of the process for determining compliance
technical and physical requirements. As a supervisor,
with specifications. Sometimes workers simply do not
you must ensure your personnel make every effort to
understand the specification requirements. Another
maintain all ship systems and components according to
cause is a lack of training in the skills necessary to meet
their required specifications. There are, on occasion,
specifications. The lack of time for adequate planning
situations in which specifications cannot be met. In such
and parts procurement, thereby requiring an emergency
cases, the system or component is controlled with a
temporary repair instead of a permanent repair, is
deviation from specification. To maintain a precise
another direct cause for workers failing to comply with
control of any ship's technical configuration, any
specifications. From this discussion, you can see the role
deviation you make must be recorded and approved as
you as a supervisor play during this all-important
a departure from specification.
Plainly put, a departure from specification is a lack
There are two types of departures that affect you and
of compliance with an authoritative document, plan,
the reporting procedures-major and minor. We will
procedure, or instruction. As a minimum, departures are
briefly discuss each of them in the following paragraphs.
required when the following situations occur:
There is a lack of compliance with cognizant
Major Departure from Specifications
technical documents, drawings, or work
procedures during a maintenance action that will
A major departure from specifications is any
not be corrected before the ship gets underway.
departure from specifications that affects the reliability
There is a lack of compliance with specifications
of the ship's control systems, watertight integrity, or
for "as found" conditions during a maintenance
personnel safety. Major departures from specifications
action for which no prior action is held (such as
require approval from higher authority. If you have a
a shipyard waiver) that will not be corrected
departure from specifications that falls into any of the
following categories, consider it a major departure:
before the ship gets underway.
There is a lack of compliance with a specification
Any departure that directly involves the safety of
the ship or personnel
discovered and no corrective action is planned.
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