![]() test personnel observe all safety precautions pertaining
military standards and NAVSEA technical documents
require formal technical training or equivalent, those
to the specific equipment and wear personal safety
requirements must be met and personnel qualification
equipment at all times while conducting these
vigorously and effectively monitored to ensure that
evolutions. They also make sure that test equipment, if
qualifications are updated and maintained. When formal
required, is properly calibrated and that adequate
training for a specific skill is not a requirement, the
overpressure protection is provided during tests in
guidelines of the QA manual may be used as a basis for
division spaces.
training to ensure that personnel are provided with the
necessary expertise to perform a required skill.
Personnel who obtain a QA qualification must undergo
periodic QA training and examinations, both oral and
QA supervisors are senior petty officers who have
written, to maintain the qualification. We will discuss
been properly qualified according to the QA manual.
this procedure in the following paragraphs.
They have a thorough understanding of the QA function
and are indoctrinated in all aspects of the coordinating,
administering, and auditing processes of the QA
The QAO's primary duty, assigned by the CO in
program. QA supervisors train all SQCIs and CMPOs
writing, is to oversee the QA program. The QAO ensures
and ensure their recertification upon expiration of
that personnel assigned to perform QA functions receive
qualifications. QA supervisors also administer written
continuous training in inspecting, testing, and QC
examinations to all perspective SQCIs and those SQCIs
methods specifically applicable to their area of
who require recertification to ensure a thorough
assignment. The QAO also ensures that SQCIs receive
understanding of the QA program.
cross training to perform QA functions not in their
assigned area. This training includes local training
courses, on-the-job training (OJT), rotation of
assignments, personnel qualification standards (PQS),
and formal schools.
SQCIs are trained by the QA supervisors in
applicable matters pertaining to the QA program. An
Whenever possible, the QAO receives formal
inspector must be equally as skilled as the craftsman
training according to the QA manual. He or she is
whose work he or she is required to inspect. Not only
responsible to the repair officer for planning and
should the inspector know the fabrication or repair
executing a QA training program for the various
qualifications required for QA. The QAO personally
operation and what workers are required to do, but also
interviews each perspective SQCI to ensure that the
how to go about doing it.
person has a thorough understanding of the QA mission.
To recognize a product quality characteristic,
SQCIs must be given certain tools and training. Tools of
their trade should include measuring devices and
documentation. Their training is both formal
The repair officer (RO) maintains qualified
(documented course of instruction) and informal (OJT).
personnel in all required ratings for the QA program in
his or her department. He or she also ensures that
They must pass a written test given by the QA
personnel assigned to the repair department are
supervisor, as well as an oral examination given by the
indoctrinated and trained in QA practices and
QAO. The written exam includes general requirements
of the QA program and specific requirements relative to
their particular specialty. Successful completion of the
shop qualification program course for QCIs will fulfill
this requirement. The QA supervisor may also
Division officers ensure that their divisional
administer a practical examination to perspective SQCIs
personnel receive training and are qualified in the QA
in which they will have to demonstrate knowledge of
process and maintain those qualifications. They make
records and report completion, and tiling requirements.
sure that all repairs, inspections, and production work
This will ensure that the SQCIs have a general
requiring a witness are witnessed by division work
knowledge of and proper attitude toward the QA
center QC inspectors and that all test records arc
completed and signed. Division officers ensure that all
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