![]() Other safe practices in the use of portable electric
the ship. To make these repairs, it is often necessary to
power tools include the following:
use hand and portable electric tools.
Inspect the tool cord and plug before using the tool.
Safe Practices for Hand Tools.-- Normally, you
Do not use the tool if its cord is frayed or its plug is
should have no problems when working with hand tools.
damaged or broken. Do not use spliced cables except in
In all likelihood, however, you have seen some
an emergency that warrants the risk involved.
dangerous practices in the use of hand tools that should
have been avoided. One unsafe practice involves the use
Before using the tool, lay all portable cables out so
of tools with plastic or wooden handles that are cracked,
you and others cannot trip over them. The length of
chipped, broken, or otherwise unserviceable. This
extension cords used with portable tools should not
practice is sure to result in accidents and personnel
exceed 25 feet. Extension cords of 100 feet are
injuries, such as cuts, bruises, and foreign objects being
authorized on flight and hangar decks. Extension cords
thrown in the eyes. If these unserviceable tools are not
of 100 feet are also found in damage control lockers, but
repairable, discard or replace them.
are labeled for "Emergency Use Only."
Safety with Portable Electric Tools.-- Portable
Do not use jury-rigged extension cords that have
electric tools should be clean, properly oiled, and in
metal "handy boxes" for receptacle ends of the cord. All
good repair. Before they are used, inspect the tool for
extension cords must have nonconductive plugs and
proper grounding. The newer double insulated, plastic
receptacle housings.
case tools have a two-conductor cord and a two-prong
Connect the tool cord into the extension cord
(when required) before inserting the extension cord into
If a tool is equipped with a three-prong plug, it
a live receptacle. After using the tool, unplug the
should be plugged into a grounded-type electrical outlet.
extension cord (if any) from the live receptacle before
Never remove the third prong from the plug. Make
unplugging the tool cord from the extension cord. Do
absolutely sure the tool is properly grounded according
not unplug the cords by yanking on them.
to NSTM, chapter 300. Observe safety precautions and
Stow the tool in its assigned place after you are
wear rubber gloves when plugging in and operating
through using it.
portable electric tools under particularly hazardous
conditions. Examples of particularly hazardous
Nonstandard Equipment.-- The practice of having
conditions are wet decks, bilge areas, or working over
unauthorized or jury-rigged electrical equipment on
the side in rafts or boats.
board is a hazard and must be dealt with as such. The
only way to ensure that jury-rigged and unauthorized
Before issuance of any portable electrical
equipment is not being used is for you personally to
equipment, the attached cable with plug (including
make checks for such installations.
extension cords, when used) should be examined
visually to assure it is in satisfactory condition. (Tears,
chafing, exposed insulated conductors, and damaged
plugs are causes for cable or plug replacement.) Any
Naval regulations provide that no alterations are
portable electrical equipment with its associated
permitted to be made to ships until authorized by
extension cords should be tested before to issue with an
NAVSEA. Some of the reasons for this regulation that
approved tool tester or plugged into a dummy (or
are particularly applicable to IC systems are as follows:
de-energized) receptacle and tested for resistance from
equipment housing to ship's structure with an ohmmeter
1. NAVSEA is responsible for the design and
(the resistance of the grounding circuit must be less than
maintenance of IC systems in all naval ships. Therefore,
1 ohm). Move or work the cable with a bending or
it is necessary that NAVSEA have accurate information
twisting motion. A change in resistance will indicate
as to all existing installations.
broken strands in the grounding conductor. If this is
2. In the interests of standardization, it is necessary
found, replace the cable. It is further suggested that, at
that all requests for alterations be forwarded to
the discretion of the commanding officer, a list be
NAVSEA so the alteration may be authorized for all
established of portable equipment requiring testing
ships in which similar conditions exist.
more or less often than once a month depending on
conditions in the ship. Where the Planned Maintenance
3. In the interests of conserving funds, NAVSEA
weighs the importance and necessity of all alterations so
System (PMS) is installed, tests should be conducted
according to the MRCs.
available funds may be most wisely used.
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