![]() revolve in response to the same reading, a vernier effect
dial window, four indicator lights, and a double fuse
is achieved so that a higher accuracy is obtained
holder are mounted on the front access door. A
schematic diagram of the subassembly is provided on
Synchro Operation
the inside of the front access door.
Terminal boards on the inside bottom of the case
The synchro transmitter resembles a small bipolar
serve as a common junction for connecting the ship's
3-phase motor. The stator is wound with a three-circuit
wiring. Access plates on both sides of the synchro signal
Y-connected winding. The rotor is wound with a single-
amplifier provides for external cabling. Stuffing tubes
circuit winding. Electrically, the synchro acts as a trans-
are mounted to these plates as required at installation,
former; all voltages and currents are single phase. By
and the external cabling is run through the stuffing tubes.
transformer action, voltages are induced in the three
Speed changes from 1 speed to 2 speed and vice
elements of the stator winding, the magnitude de-
versa are made by installing change gears. These gears
pending upon the angular position of the rotor.
are not normally furnished with the synchro signal
The synchro receiver is constructed essentially the
amplifier. Both the E- and F-type units have a dial with
same, both mechanically and electrically, except it is
two scales, one on each side. One scale is calibrated
provided with a mechanism for dampening oscillations.
every degree from 0 to 360 and is driven at 1 speed,
Consider the simplest synchro transmission system,
when 1 speed is used. The other scale is calibrated 60
where the transmitter and receiver units are connected
either side of zero (300 to 0 and 0 to 60), and this
as shown on figure 2-5. If the receiver rotor were free to
scale is used when a 2-speed transmission is needed. The
turn, it would take a position where induced stator
dial turns over when changing from 1 speed to 2 speed
voltages would be equal to the transmitter voltages.
or vice versa.
Under such a condition there is no current flow. How-
When either unit is operating from a low 1- or
ever, if the transmitter rotor was displaced by any angle,
2-speed input, you must make some minor wiring
the stator voltage balance would be altered and current
changes. Connections between the terminals on the
would flow in the stator windings. This current flow
plug-in damping unit should be changed from those
would set up a two-pole torque, turning the receiver
shown for 1 and 2 speed and 36 sped to those shown
rotor to a position where the induced stator voltages
for 1 or 2 speed. This connects the normally dis-
would again be equal. Therefore, any motion given to
connected low-speed synchro control transformer.
the rotor of one unit would be transmitted to the rotor of
These connections also remove the antistickoff voltage,
the other unit where it is duplicated thereby setting up
which will be discussed later in this chapter.
a system of electrically transmitted mechanical motion.
The synchro signal amplifier transmission system
depends upon the type of transmitter described in the
previous paragraphs, but its receiver is a synchro control
The synchro signal amplifier is actually a synchro
transformer. The purpose of the synchro control trans-
data repeater. It accepts synchro data from remote trans-
former is to supply, from its rotor terminals, an ac
mitters, aligns associated output synchros to electrical
voltage whose magnitude and phase polarity depend
correspondence with the remote transmitters, and re-
upon the position of the rotor and voltages applied to its
transmits the data to other equipment. Synchro trans-
stator windings. Since its rotor winding is not connected
mission is increased by using larger output synchros
to the ac supply, it does not induce voltage in the stator
than the remote transmitter.
coils. As a result, the stator current is determined by the
Since the output synchros are driven to electrical
high impedance at the windings and it is not affected
correspondence with the remote transmitters by gearing,
appreciably by the rotor's position. Also, there is no
a power supply of a different frequency may be used for
detectable current in the rotor and, therefore, no torque
the output synchros. This gives the synchro signal
striving to turn the rotor. The synchro control trans-
amplifier another attribute, as a frequency converter.
former rotors cannot on their own accord turn to a
position where the induced currents are once again of
A higher accuracy is obtained from a synchro signal
balanced magnitude. The synchro amplifier cycle of
amplifier with a 36-speed input than would be obtained
operation must take place to turn the rotor of the synchro
from a l-speed input. By virtue of the 36 speed revolving
control transformer.
36 times the angular distance that the 1 speed would
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