![]() of the input signal. If the amplitude of the input signal
Under-Over Voltage-Sensing Circuit
is above a specified level, the Schmitt trigger bistable
The under-over voltage-sensing circuit turns the
multivibrator will be in one state (one transistor con-
inverter off when the input dc source voltage is out of
ducting while the other is off); if the amplitude is below
a specified level, it will be in the other state.
the operating range (210 to 355-volts dc) of the inverter.
A modified Schmitt trigger circuit is used to supply
Dc Input Sensing
the interlock signal to the binary circuit in the SYNC
stage. The Schmitt trigger is a form of bistable multi-
The dc input-sensing circuit compensates for
vibrator. It differs from the conventional bistable multi-
changes (step changes) in the input dc voltage source. A
vibrator, in that it is at all times sensitive to the amplitude
Figure 1-40.-Waveforms.
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