![]() CURRENT CAPACITY-- The hours of current that
conducting material that are caused by a varying
can be obtained from a unit weight of a galvanic
magnetic field.
anode metal. Usually expressed in ampere hours per
pound (Ah/lb) or ampere hours per kilogram
EDDY CURRENT LOSS-- Losses caused by random
current flowing in the core of a transformer. Power
is lost in the form of heat.
CURRENT DENSITY-- The current per unit area of
surface of an electrode. Common units used are
EFFICIENCY-- The ratio of output power to input
mA/ft2 (milliamperes per square foot), mA/m2
power, generally expressed as a percentage.
(milliamperes per square meter), A/ft2 (amperes per
ELECTRIC CURRENT-- The flow of electrons.
square foot), and A/m2 (amperes per square meter).
ELECTRICAL CHARGE (Q,q)-- Electric energy
CURRENT EFFICIENCY-- The ratio of the actual
stored on or in an object. The negative charge is
total current measured from a galvanic anode in a
caused by an excess of electrons; the positive
given time period and the total current calculated
charge is caused by a deficiency of electrons.
from the weight loss of the anode and the
electrochemical equivalent of the anode metal,
ELECTROCHEMICAL-- The action of converting
expressed as a percentage.
chemical energy into electrical energy.
used for the permanent-magnet moving-coil
consisting of an anode and a cathode immersed in
movement used in most meters.
an electrolytic solution. The anode and cathode may
be different metals or dissimilar areas on the same
D A M P I N G -- The process of smoothing out
metal surface. (2) A cell in which chemical energy
oscillations. In a meter, damping is used to keep the
is converted into electrical energy under the
pointer of the meter from overshooting the correct
condition of current flow between anode and
DEAD BAND-- The range of values over which a
measured variable can change without affecting the
passes from one medium into another, such as in an
output of an amplifier or automatic control system.
electrical cell where the current leaves or returns to
DEMAND-- To request a log printout or data display,
the electrolyte.
DIELECTRIC FIELD-- The space between and
ELECTRODE POTENTIAL-- The difference in
around charged bodies in which their influence is
electrical potential between an electrode and the
felt. Also called electric field of force or an
electrolytic solution with which it is in contact;
electrostatic field.
measured relative to a reference electrode.
DIGITAL-- A term pertaining to data in the form of
meter movement using fixed field coils and a
moving coil; usually used in wattmeters.
DIGITAL CLOCK-- A device for displaying time in
ELECTROLYSIS-- The process of changing the
chemical composition of a material by passing an
electric current.
in one direction only.
ELECTROLYTE-- A solution of a substance that is
DOMAIN THEORY-- A theory of magnetism based
capable of conducting electricity. An electrolyte
upon the electron-spin principle. Spinning
may be in the form of either a liquid or a paste.
electrons have a magnetic field. If more electrons
ELECTROLYTIC CELL-- A system in which an
spin in one direction than another, the atom is
anode and cathode are immersed in an electrolytic
solution and electrical energy is used to bring about
DRIFT-- A slow change in some characteristics of a
electrode reactions. The electrical energy is thus
device, such as frequency, current, and direction.
converted into chemical energy. (NOTE: The term
electrochemical cell is frequently used to describe
DRY CELL-- An electrical cell in which the
both the electrochemical cell and the electrolytic
electrolyte is not a liquid. In most dry cells, the
electrolyte is in the form of a paste.
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