Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to do the following:
Describe the operating and testing procedures of the ship's whistle.
Explain the requirements for performing maintenance on the ship's whistle.
Describe the components, operating procedures, and maintenance procedures
of the microfiche reader-printer
Describe the components, operating procedures, and maintenance procedures
of the cathodic protection system.
Describe the inspection, troubleshooting, and corrective maintenance proce-
dures of auxiliary equipment.
sound pressure level of the ship's own signal at
listening posts shall not exceed 110 dB(A), and so far
IC Electricians are required to maintain various
as practicable should not exceed 100 dB(A).
types of auxiliary equipment aboard ship. This chapter
will describe the components, operating procedures,
and troubleshooting and maintenance procedures of
some of the auxiliary equipment that you will be
The fundamental frequency of the whistle signal
involved with. This chapter will also introduce you to
lies between the 70- to 700-Hz range. The audibility
cathodic protection systems installed on naval ships.
range of the whistle signal is determined by those
frequencies (which may include the fundamental
and/or one or more higher frequencies) that lie within
the 180 to 700 ( + 1 percent) range and that provide
As an IC Electrician, you will be required to do
sound pressure levels specified in the following
preventive maintenance and repairs on the ship's
paragraph on intensity. The range of audibilty is for
whistle. This is a relatively simple system, but it is of
the utmost importance. The ship's whistle is used to
information, and is the approximate range at which a
signal other vessels of the manuevers your ship may
whistle may be heard on its forward axis (90 percent
be doing. It is also used, in conditions such as heavy
probability) in conditions of still air on board a ship
fog, to warn other ships of the location of your ship.
having the average background noise level at the
listening posts. This shall be assumed to be 68 dB in
the octave band centered on 250 Hz and 63 dB in the
octave band centered on 500 Hz. Values given can be
When a directional whistle is to be used as the only
regarded as typical, but under conditions of strong
whistle on a ship, it is installed with its maximum
wind or high ambient noise level at the listening post,
intensity directed straight ahead. A whistle should be
range may be reduced. In practice, the range at which
placed on a ship as high as practicable to reduce
a whistle may be heard is variable and depends on
interception of the emitted sound by obstructions and
to minimize risk of hearing damage to personnel. The
weather conditions.
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