![]() B. Two programs may be transmitted simultaneously,
Navy personnel, prior to the time suit is brought,
or one modulator maybe used as a backup for the other.
claims of copyright infringement may be settled by
the Secretary of the Navy or a duly authorized
Each modulator accepts the composite audio and
representative, the Chief of Naval Research, or a
video signals routed to it. It converts those signals into
a standard very high frequency (VHF) TV broadcast
channel for transmission through the distribution
Commanders may authorize American Forces
Radio and Television (AFRT) outlets under their
command to originate local programs, which are
Power for the system comes from a Topaz power
prepared, produced, or supervised by staff members
line conditioner, which provides regulated, noise-free
of the outlet. Live or taped programs should reflect the
power. The conditioner is mounted at the bottom of
highest standards of quality.
the left dual bay (fig. 8-21). Power control is provided
by the Harris power control panel located at the lower
front of the left dual bay (fig. 8-21). All power is
controlled by this main power switch, but individual
No AFRT station may broadcast or rebroadcast any
components should also be turned off to prevent an
program sponsored by private or commercial interests
initial power surge.
or foreign governments, except those programs
supplied or authorized by the AFRTS. The prohibition
Associated with the power system is the
does not apply to live broadcasts of local sport and
Transtector transient suppressor. This provides
special events that are prepared initially for broadcast
additional protection against power surges and spikes.
over AFRT, and are presented by, or are under
the supervision of, staff members of those stations. In
Live and Remote Cameras
certain instances, events or ceremonies broadcast by a
foreign government network or agency may be deemed
A third Hitachi GP-7 color camera is provided as
of sufficient cultural or informational value to warrant
a studio camera for live productions. This third camera
rebroadcast by AFRT stations.
may also be used in the portable mode. All necessary
In addition to the foregoing policies, there are
power packs, handles, supports, and viewfinders are
policies governing AFRTS program materials--video
and audio tapes, films, slides, and transcriptions.
A black-and-white video camera is provided for
Use or reproduction of AFRTS program materials
remote use. All necessary accessories for remote
for private or commercial purposes is prohibited.
operation are issued with the system.
Use of recorded materials (for example, phono-
graph records, audio cartridges and cassettes, video
cassettes, or films) secured directly from commercial
sources, military exchanges, or private sources is pro-
To use any of the exclusive rights of a copyright
hibited on AFRT outlets.
owner without permission is an infringement of the
owner's copyright. These exclusive rights include
Designated information transcriptions and films
c o p y i n g , reproducing, printing, reprinting,
produced by DOD may be loaned to command informa-
publishing, exhibiting, translating, and vending the
tion sections to support information programs.
copyrighted work or portions thereof and, in some
instances, the oral delivery or performance of the
Where a copyright is infringed by or for the
In this chapter, we have described the purpose of
Government, with its authorization or consent, the
the ship's entertainment systems installed on Navy
exclusive remedy of the copyright owner is by suit
ships today and the various equipment used with each
against the United States in the Court of Claims.
type of system. We have also identified the types of
Government employees are no longer personally
loudspeakers used with the ship's entertainment
liable for copyright infringement occurring in the
system and the operation and characteristics of the
performance of their official duties. In cases involving
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