Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to do the following:
Explain the purpose of amplified voice systems installed on Navy ships.
Identify the various types of amplified voice systems.
Identify the various announcing system circuits by their designations.
Describe the types and characteristics of microphones and loudspeakers.
Describe the components, operation, and maintenance procedures of a central
amplifier system (one-way) and the additional sound equipment used with the
Describe the components, operation, and maintenance procedures of a central
amplifier system (two-way) and the additional sound equipment used with the
Describe the components, operation, and maintenance procedures of the
intercommunication systems and the additional sound equipment used with the
Briefly describe the integrated intercommunication system used on Navy
Identify the types of public address sets and describe the components, operation,
and maintenance procedures of the public address sets.
Several types of amplified voice systems are
installed in most ships. These types include the
If you should look for the source of a sound, you
will find that something had been set in vibratory
motion. It may be that someone shouted or struck or
Central amplifier systems that provide one-way
dropped an object. In each case something vibrated and
caused the sensation of sound. One sound that human
Central amplifier systems that provide two-way
beings produce is voice. Although air is the usual
medium for carrying voice to your ears, any elastic
material in the form of a solid, liquid, or gas can serve
Intercommunication systems that provide
as well or better. Like any other sound, voice cannot
two-way communications between selected
travel in a vacuum.
In today's Navy, amplified voice systems amplify
Integrated intercommunication systems that
and transmit the voice so it can reach and be heard by
provide both central amplifier and intercom-
the personnel aboard ship. With these systems, which
munication systems
are the heart of interior communications, the "word" is
Portable public address systems
passed quickly and clearly.
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