![]() position and shaking it, using a circular motion. If this
Another frequent cause of wrong numbers is
jiggling the hookswitch before dialing. This can result
does not work, then strike the transmitter end of the
in a series of pulses similar to those sent out by the
handset sharply with the palm of your hand. If the
dial. Also, keeping the dialing finger on the dial while
granules cannot be loosened, replace the transmitter.
it is returning to its normal position may result in
Another cause could be loose connections or dirty
wrong numbers.
contact springs in the transmitter cup. If replacing the
NOISY CONNECTIONS.-- Noisy connections
transmitter or cleaning the transmitter cup contact
are caused by worn handset or deskset cords, loose
springs does not correct the problem, check the
connections in the telephone set, partial shorts or
transmission network. If there is a problem with the
grounds on the line, or noisy transmitter units. Check
transmission network, replace it.
the telephone set cord as described earlier, and replace
WEAK RECEPTION.-- If a telephone has poor
the cord as necessary. Tighten loose connections and
or weak reception, the trouble may be caused by a
clear any shorts or grounds on the line. If the problem
is found to be in the transmitter unit, replace it.
weak transmitter, a worn receiver cord, loose
connections inside the handset, or a problem in the
SIDETONE TOO LOUD.-- When you have a
transmission network. If the problem is loose
loud sidetone in the receiver of the handset, the
connections, tighten the connections. If the problem is
problem is in the transmission network, which you
a defective component, replace the component.
should replace.
CEIVE.-- When a telephone can transmit but cannot
receive, the problem is usually in the hookswitch or in
the receiver unit. The fault could also be caused by a
The type G (version 2) telephone set is very
shorted transmitter unit or a shorted contact of the dial
similar in appearance and operation to the type G
shunt springs. After you isolate the problem, replace
(version 1) set; however, slight differences do exist
the defective component.
between them. The principle differences are
component nomenclature, the handset holder and
MIT.-- When a telephone can receive but cannot
retaining mechanism, and the internal circuitry of the
transmit, check the transmitter unit as you would for
telephone set. The following paragraphs will only
poor transmission. If the transmitter is found to be
discuss the features of the version 2 set that are
defective, replace it. If the transmitter is not defective,
different from the version 1 set.
replace the transmission network.
Component Nomenclature
RINGER DOES NOT SOUND.-- If the ringer at
a called station does not ring, the fault could be caused
The components of the type G (version 2) set are
by an open ringer coil or capacitor, or reversed or loose
identified in figure 6-12, views A and B. Several
connections at the ringer terminals. Also, the ringer
components of the version 2 set serve the same
will not ring properly if the ringer is not properly
function as components of the version 1 set, but are
adjusted, if the gongs have become loose, or if the
identified by different names. For example, the
position of the gongs has shifted with respect to the
network assembly in the version 2 set serves the same
clapper. If the ringer does not sound at all, you should
purpose as the transmission network in the version 1
first check the connections and correct them if they are
reversed or tighten them if they are loose. If the cause
of the problem is a defective component, replace the
Handset Holder and Retaining
component. If the ringer is ringing improperly, adjust
the ringer as described earlier.
WRONG NUMBERS.-- The most frequent
The handset for the version 2 set is equipped with
cause of wrong numbers is the dial speed being too
an internal latching mechanism and a latch release
fast or too slow. If the dial speed is incorrect, adjust it
button. The latching mechanism is used with the hand-
as described earlier. If adjusting the speed does not
set latch stud to retain the handset in its cradle. The latch
release button is located on the side of the handset. If
correct the problem, replace the dial.
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