![]() 5. When the conference call is completed, return
1. Set the PLACE CALL/ANSWER switch to the
the handset to its holder, and set the PLACE
PLACE CALL position.
CALL/ANSWER switch to the ANSWER position.
2. Select the desired station number on the
To answer an incoming conference call, you should
thumbwheel switches.
use the following procedure:
3. Remove the handset from its holder, depress the
handset press-to-talk switch, and listen for talking on the
1. Answer the same as you would for a
line. If the line is clear, continue to step 4. If the line is
point-to-point call.
not clear (busy), return the handset to its holder, and set
2. When the caller informs you that it is a
the PLACE CALL/ANSWER switch in the ANSWER
conference call, set the thumbwheel switches to the
caller's station number and wait for the conference to
4. Turn the crank several times to ring the desired
3. When the conference call is completed, return
5. Talk to the desired station. After the call is
the handset to its holder.
completed, return the handset to its holder, and set the
Net Access
To answer an incoming point-to-point call, you
The AN/WTC-2(V) system is an integrated
should perform the following procedure:
point-to-point and net communications system. when
the system is installed aboard ship, certain
1. Set the PLACE CALL/ANSWER switch to the
interconnecting wire pairs and their associated station
ANSWER position (the switch should already be in the
numbers are reserved for net (string circuits) use. A net
ANSWER position).
consists of designated stations and their associated units,
2. Remove the handset from its holder and depress
and only the stations in a net have access to that
the handset press-to-talk switch and acknowledge the
particular net. The system contains several nets so
certain stations may operate as a string circuit during
3. When the call is completed, return the handset
particular conditions, such as general quarters. Ringing
to its holder.
is not possible in a net; stations must already be manned
to accomplish the desired communications.
Conference Calls
Net access can be obtained through the use of either
the terminal station handset or a headset-chestset
plugged into either the station jack or an associated
A conference call involves the sharing of the same
jackbox. To access a net using the terminal station
line among a number of terminal stations. The number
handset, you should perform the following procedure:
of participants (stations) involved in a conference call
should be limited to five, as each additional station will
1. Select the predetermined net station number on
cause a drop in the audio-signal level. To initiate a
the thumbwheel switches.
conference call, you should perform the following
2. Set the PLACE CALL/ANSWER switch to the
PLACE CALL position. Do not turn the crank.
1. Place a point-to-point call to the first desired
3. Depress the press-to-talk switch on the handset
to establish communications with the net.
2. Inform the called station that a conference call
4. When finished, return the handset to its holder
is being established, and give the called station your
and set the PLACE CALL/ANSWER switch to the
station number.
ANSWER position.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each terminal station
To access a net using the headset-chestset, you
you desire to participate in the conference call.
should perform the following procedure:
4. After each station has been contacted, rotate the
1. Connect the headset-chestset to either the jack
thumbwheel switches to your own terminal station
on the terminal station or to the associated jackbox.
number and begin the conference.
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