![]() 2. Turn the master switch to the FIL'S position, and
wait about 30 seconds to allow the tube filaments to
operation on vital compass parameters.
3. Turn the master switch to the ON position, and
Starting the Mk 19 Mod 3B
wait for the blue ready lamp to light (approximately 11
minutes) before proceeding to the next step.
4. When the blue ready lamp comes on, check the
The procedure for starting the compass in the
OWN SHIP COURSE dial to see if the compass is
normal or fast-settle modes of operation is identical to
aligned with the ship's heading. If the dial does not in-
that for the Mk 19 Mod 3A gyrocompass. The procedure
dicate the ship's heading, you need to slew the compass
for starting the compass in the high latitude and DC
until the dial is aligned within 1 or less, if possible.
modes of operation will be discussed in the following
5. Press the RUN button.
paragraphs; refer to figures 4-22 and 4-23 while
performing the steps.
Changes In Operating Modes
HIGH LATITUDE MODE.-- To start the
compass when the ship is between 75 and 86 latitudes,
When the gyrocompass is operating below 75
perform the following steps:
latitude and the ship is planning to navigate above 75
1. Turn the mode selector switch to DC.
latitude, the mode of operation will have to be changed
from the normal mode to the high latitude mode. If the
2. Turn the master switch to the FIL'S position, and
ship plans to continue on and sail above 86, the mode of
wait about 30 seconds to allow the tube filaments to
operation will have to be changed from the high latitude
mode to the DC mode. The procedure for changing
3. Turn the master switch to the ON position, and
operating modes will be discussed in the following
wait for the blue ready lamp to light (approximately 11
minutes) before proceeding to the next step.
4. When the blue ready lamp comes on, check the
MODE.-- To change from the normal mode of
OWN SHIP COURSE dial to see if the compass is
operation to the high latitude mode of operation, turn the
aligned with the ship's heading. If the dial does not
mode selector switch to the high latitude mode at about
indicate the ship's heading, you need to slew the
75 latitude.
compass until the dial is aligned within a maximum of
10. The nearer the OWN SHIP COURSE dial is set to
the ship's heading, the quicker the compass will settle
MODE.-- To change from the high latitude mode of
to north when it is switched into the high latitude mode
operation to the normal mode of operation, turn the
in step 7.
mode selector switch to the normal mode at about 75
5. Press the RUN button.
6. Check the LATITUDE COMPUTER dial. If the
latitude setting is more than 1 off the local latitude, you
change from the high latitude mode of operation to the
DC mode of operation, turn the mode selector switch to
must adjust the dial to the correct setting.
the DC mode at about 86 latitude. Record the ship's
7. At the end of 30 minutes, turn the mode selector
longitude at the time the change is made. If the ship has
switch to the HIGH LATITUDE mode. The compass
been maneuvering, you should wait 2 hours after
will now settle to north in 2 hours or less, depending on
completion of the maneuvers before switching to the
how accurately the manual azimuth setting was made in
DC mode. This allows time for the transient error to
step 4.
settle out.
mode of operation, the compass functions much the same
change from the DC mode of operation to the high
as a simple gyroscope. To start the compass when the
latitude mode of operation, the compass heading must
ship is above 86 latitude, perform the following steps:
be within 10 of true north; otherwise, the compass must
be stopped and restarted.
1. Turn (he mode selector switch to DG.
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