![]() A dial is attached to the shaft of the linear synchro (B7),
generator section, furnishing the damping signal
indicating the north-south component of own ship's speed.
voltage, and at the same time the control transformer
rotor of the resolver (B4) is positioned relative to the
The latitude computer, which produces the
ship's heading. The resolver (B4) functions to resolve
horizontal and vertical earth rate compensation signals,
own ship's speed and course inputs into S cos C or
consists of a type 1 computer amplifier, a motor-
north-south speed and S sin C or east-west speed. These
tachometer (B9), a resolver (B10), and an earth rate
are the speed compensation signals needed. A dial is
reference transformer (T1).
coupled to the shaft of the resolver (B4), indicating own
ship's course.
The tangent latitude computer, which produces the
meridian gyro east- west compensation signal, consists
The north-south acceleration computer (fig. 4-28)
of a type 2 computer amplifier and a resolver (B11). A
contains a north-south speed repeater consisting of a
dial attached to the shaft of the resolver (B11 ) indicates
linear synchro and dial (B7) and a motor-tachometer
the ship's latitude.
(B8). The computer also includes a limiting or nonlinear
network, a north-south acceleration signal amplifier,
The input to the latitude computer is the north-south
and a type 1 computer amplifier.
speed plus drift signal, and the inputs to the tangent
latitude computer are the east-west speed signal, and the
The north-south speed signal voltage is fed to the
initial, manual, ship's latitude setting. The latitude is set
stator of the linear synchro (B7) in series opposition with
by the compass operator at the start of a voyage, and
the stator voltage induced by the synchro rotor, The
thereafter the latitude computer keeps the latitude up to
difference between these two voltages is applied in
date, automatically, wherever the ship may go.
series with the north-south acceleration signal amplifier
output to the input of the type 1 computer amplifier. The
The north-south speed plus drift signal is fed, in
output of the type 1 computer amplifier drives the motor
series opposing, with the output of the generator section
section of the motor-tachometer (B8) at a speed
of the motor tachometer (B9), which produces a
proportional to the rate of change of the ship's
damping voltage for stabilization of the servoloop, to
north-south speed, and positions the rotor of the linear
the input of the type 1 computer amplifier. The type 1
synchro (B7) until the stator voltage due to rotor position
computer amplifier output drives the motor section of
equals the north-south speed signal voltage. A voltage
the motor-tachometer (B9) at a speed corresponding to
proportional to the rate of change of the ship's
north-south speed plus drift. The motor shaft is geared
north-south speed is obtained from the generator section
down (240 million to 1) to position the rotor of the
of motor tachometer (B8) and applied through a limiting
resolver (B10) so that it follows the changing ship's
network to the input of the north-south acceleration
latitude. At any time, the position of the rotor of the
signal amplifier, whose output is the north-south
resolver (B10) corresponds to the latitude position of the
acceleration compensation signal to the meridian gyro
ship. With a reference voltage, representing earth rate,
gravity reference system, When the elcctrolytic bubble
from the transformer (T1) impressed on the rotor of the
is displaced due to accelerations, it starts to return
rapidly at first to its neutral position, then slows down.
the resolver (B10) functions to resolve its earth rate
This is due to the viscosity of the electrolyte and the
referencc voltage and latitude inputs into an output
design of the level. By connecting the acceleration
proportional to earth rate times the cosine of the latitude,
signal in series with the linear synchro before applying
or horizontal earth rate and earth rate times the sine of
the voltage to the motor, of the motor-tachometer, the
the local latitude or vertical earth rate.
motor speed is made to vary nonlinearly. This nonlinear
The amplified east-west speed signal from the type
speed is designed to be proportional to the output of the
electrolytic bubble level. In addition, the output signal
2 computer amplifier is fed to the rotor of the resolver
voltage from the electrolytic bubble level is proportional
(B11). With this voltage proportional to east-west speed
to the displacement of the bubble over a limited range,
on its rotor, and the rotor positioned to the ship's latitude,
beyond which it saturates. If the accelerations are of
the outputs of the two resolver stator windings are
sufficient magnitude, the electrolytic bubble level will
proportional to cast-west speed times the sine and cosine
saturate. This factor is also compensated for by applying
of the ship's latitude. The output of the cosine stator
the output of the tachometer generator to a limiting
winding representing the cosine of east-west speed and
network of rectifiers. The output of this network is
latitude, however, is fed back, inversely, to the input of
amplified and used as the tachometer feedback voltage
the type 2 computer amplifier so that the resultant output
to the input of the type 1 computer amplifier.
of the amplifier represents the product of east-west
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