Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to do the following:
Discuss basic gyroscopic and gyrocompass theory.
Identify the major components of the Mk 23 gyrocompass systems, and explain
the procedures for starting, standing watch on, and securing the Mk 23
Identify the major components of the Mk 27 gyrocompass system, and explain
the procedures for starting, standing watch on, and securing the Mk 27
Identify the major components of the Mk 19 Mod 3 gyrocompass systems, and
explain the procedures for starting, standing watch on, and securing the Mk 19
Mod 3 gyrocompasses.
Identify the major components of the AN/WSN-2 stabilized gyrocompass set, and
explain the procedures for starting, standing watch on, and securing the
AN/WSN-2 stabilized gyrocompass set.
Explain the purpose of the synchro signal amplifier used with the various
gyrocompass systems.
Explain the purpose of the ship's course indicators used with the various
gyrocompass systems.
Describe the entries to be made in the engineering logs, and the deck and watch
logs to be kept when standing watch on gyrocompass systems.
gyrocompass systems installed on board Navy ships
today. We will also discuss the associated equipment
The ship's gyrocompass and its associated
used in conjunction with the gyrocompass systems. The
equipment is an important part of an IC Electrician's
topics include descriptions of the components and
responsibility. Gyrocompass systems provide
functions of the master compass, gyro control systems,
information that is used for remote indicators and
follow-up systems, alarm systems, and starting control
various navigational, radar, sonar, and fire control
systems. In addition, we will also point out the
systems throughout a ship. As an IC3, you will be
significant differences among the various modifications
responsible for starting, standing watch on, and securing
of the Mk 19 Mod 3 installation, and provide procedures
the ship's gyrocompass.
for operating the gyrocompass in normal and auxiliary
To understand how a gyrocompass operates, you
should be familiar with gyroscopic and gyrocompass
theory. A variety of gyrocompasses are presently in use
throughout the Navy. In this chapter, we will discuss
basic gyroscopic principles, and then we will develop
A free gyroscope is a universal-mounted, spinning
the basic gyroscope into a basic gyrocompass. We will
mass. In its simplest form, the universal mounting is a
then discuss the operation of some of the more common
system that allows three degrees of freedom of
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