![]() to larger loads. Figures 3-1 and 3-2 are examples of
two typical power distribution systems found on some
All IC systems are identified by circuit
designations. Designations consist of single or double
Most ac power distribution systems in naval
letters as previously described in chapter 2 under the
vessels are 450-volt, 3-phase, 60-Hz, 3-wire un-
heading Cable Marking.
grounded systems.
The ship's service power distribution system is the
The emergency power distribution system
electrical system that normally supplies power to the
supplies a limited amount of power for ship control
ship's equipment and machinery. The ship's service
and for the operation of vital equipment when the
switchboards and associated generators are usually
located in separate engineering spaces to minimize the
ship's service distribution system fails. An emergency
possibility that a single hit will damage more than one
power distribution system is installed on most
combatant ships and some auxiliary ships.
The ship's service generator and distribution
This system is separate and distinct from the
switchboards are interconnected by bus ties. This
ship's service distribution generators and switch-
interconnection allows any distribution switchboard
boards. Each emergency switchboard is supplied by
to feed power from its generators to one or more of the
its associated emergency diesel generator. The
other switchboards, allowing the generator plants to
emergency feeders run from the emergency switch-
be operated in parallel. The power distribution to loads
boards and terminate in manual or automatic bus
can be directly from the generator and distribution
transfer equipment at the distribution panels or at
switchboards. The power distribution can also be from
loads for which emergency power is required.
distribution panels to small loads, or from load centers
Figure 3.2-npicai power distribution system found In a guided missile destroyer.
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