![]() substance. Monitor the tools and implements for
5. Isolate the immediate area of exposure to
radiation with an authorized radiac set to ensure that
protect other personnel from possible contamination
they are not contaminated.
and exposure.
As you can see, the cleanup that results from
6. Follow the established procedures set forth in
breaking a radioactive tube is a long and complicated
the Radiation, Health, and Protection Manual,
procedure. You can avoid this by simply ensuring that
NAVMED P-5055.
you don't break the tube.
7. Do not permit contaminated material to come
in contact with any part of a person's body.
8. Take care to avoid breathing any vapor or dust
Cathode-ray tubes (CRTs) should always be
that may be released by tube breakage.
handled with extreme caution. The glass encloses a
9. Wear rubber or plastic gloves at all times
high vacuum and, because of its large surface area, it
during cleanup and decontamination procedures.
is subject to considerable force caused by atmospheric
pressure. The total force on the surface of a 10-inch
10. Use forceps for the removal of large fragments
CRT may exceed 4,000 pounds, with over 1,000
of a broken radioactive tube. The remaining small
pounds exerted on its face alone.
particles can be removed with a vacuum cleaner, using
an approved disposal collection bag. If a vacuum
The chemical phosphor coating of the CRT
cleaner is not available, use a wet cloth to wipe the
internal face is extremely toxic. When disposing of a
affected area. In this case, be sure to make one stroke at
broken tube, be careful not to come in contact with this
a time. DO NOT use a back-and-forth motion. After
compound. Certain hazardous materials may be
each stroke, fold the cloth in half, always holding one
released if the glass envelope of a CRT is broken. If
clean side and using the other for the new stroke.
contact is made, seek medical aid immediately.
Dispose of the cloth in the manner stated in item 14.
When handling a CRT, you should take the
11. No food or drink should be brought into the
following precautions:
contaminated area or near any radioactive material.
1. Avoid scratching or striking the surface of a
12. Immediately after leaving a contaminated area,
CRT, particularly the rim.
personnel who have handled radioactive material in any
way should remove any clothing found to be
2. Do not use excessive force when removing or
contaminated. They should also thoroughly wash their
replacing a CRT in its deflection yoke or its socket.
hands and arms with soap and water, and rinse them
3. Do not try to remove an electromagnetic type of
with clean water.
CRT from its yoke until the high voltage has been
13. Notify a medical officer immediately if a
discharged from its anode connector (hole).
wound is sustained from a sharp radioactive object. If a
4. Never hold a CRT by its neck.
medical officer cannot reach the scene immediately,
mild bleeding should be stimulated by pressure about
5. Always set a CRT with its face down on a thick
the wound and by the use of suction bulbs. DO NOT
piece of felt, rubber, or smooth cloth.
USE THE MOUTH if the wound is of the puncture type.
If the opening is small, make an incision to promote free
6. Always handle a CRT gently. Rough handling
bleeding and to facilitate cleaning and flushing of the
or a sharp blow on the service bench can displace the
electrodes within the tube, causing faulty operation.
14. When cleaning a contaminated area, all debris,
7. Safety glasses or goggles and protective gloves
cleaning cloths, and collection bags should be sealed in
should always be worn when you are handling a CRT.
a container, such as a plastic bag, heavy wax paper, or
One additional procedure you should be aware of
glass jar, and placed in a steel can until disposed of
is the proper method of disposal of a CRT. When a
according to existing instructions.
CRT is replaced, the old CRT cannot be simply thrown
15. Decontaminate by use of soap and water all
over the side of the ship or placed in the nearest
dumpster. When thrown over the side of a ship, a CRT
tools and implements used to remove a radioactive
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