![]() PERIPHERAL Existing on or near the boundary of a
surface or area.
show the cabling between electronic units, as well
as how the terminals are connected.
PICTORIAL DRAWING A drawing that gives the
real appearance of an object, showing the general
ISOMETRIC DRAWING A type of pictorial
location, function, and appearance of parts and
drawing. See isometric wiring diagram.
PLAN VIEW A view of an object or area as it would
showing the outline of a ship, an aircraft, or other
appear from directly above.
structure, and the location of equipment, such as
panels and connection boxes and cable runs.
REFERENCE NUMBERS Numbers used on one
drawing to refer the reader to another drawing for
LEADER LINES Thin, unbroken lines used to
more detail or other information.
connect numbers, references, or notes to
appropriate surfaces or lines.
REVISION BLOCK Located in the upper right corner
LEGEND A description of any special or unusual
of a print. Provides a space to record any changes
made to the original print.
marks, symbols, or line connections used in the
SCALE The ratio between the measurement used on a
drawing and the measurement of the object it
LOGIC DIAGRAM A type of schematic diagram
represents. A measuring device, such as a ruler,
using special symbols to show components that
perform a logic or information processing function.
having special gradations.
SCALING Applying a factor of proportionality to data
MECHANICAL DRAWING See drawings. Applies
to scale drawings or mechanical objects.
or signal levels.
MIL-STD Military standards. A formalized set of
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM A diagram using graphic
standards for supplies, equipment, and design work
symbols to show how a circuit functions electrically.
purchased by the United States Armed Forces.
SHIP'S PLANS A set of drawings of all significant
MODULE Subassemblies mounted in a section.
construction features and equipment of a ship, as
needed to operate and maintain the ship. Also called
MONITOR One of the principal operating modes of a
onboard plans.
data logger that provides a constant check of plant
SPAN Distance between two points.
NORMAL MODE Operating condition at normal
description or
ahead speeds, differing from maneuvering, where
identification relating to quality, strength, or similar
certain functions, pumps, or valves are not required,
performance requirement.
while others are for proper operation of ship and
STATUS LOG Record of the instantaneous values of
important conditions having analog values.
NOTES Descriptive writing on a drawing to give
SYMBOL Stylized graphical representation of
verbal instructions or additional information.
commonly used component parts shown in a
OBLIQUE DRAWING A type of pictorial drawing in
which one view is an orthographic projection and
SYSTEM Major functioned section of an installation.
the views of the sides have receding lines at an
SYSTEM INTERRELATION Specific individual
operations in one system affecting the operation in
ONE-LINE SKETCH Drawing using one line to
another system.
outline the general relationship of various
TITLE BLOCK A blocked area in the lower right
components to each other.
comer of a print. Provides information to identify
ONE-LINE SCHEMATIC Drawing of a system using
the drawing, its subject matter, origins, scale, and
only one line to show the tie-in of various
other data.
components; for example, the three conductors
VIEW A drawing of a side or plane of an object as seen
n e e d e d to transmit 3-phase power are
from one point.
represented by a single line.
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