![]() An assist set must be used to report whether or not
CASREP; best estimates of unavailable data should be
a unit requires outside assistance to repair an equipment
provided in the INITIAL CASREP and revised as soon
as possible in an UPDATE CASREP. An INITIAL
CASREP may also be submitted to request outside
When a unit requires assistance and/or parts to
assistance; that is, no parts are required to correct an
repair a casualty, schedule information must be reported
equipment casualty (see fig. 1-9).
in the RMKS set for a full 30-day period, starting on the
earliest date that the unit can receive the assistance
An INITIAL CASREP must identify, to an
and/or parts. In addition to the scheduling information,
appropriate level of detail, the status of the equipment,
the unit commander may also report any effect the
parts, and assistance requirements. This is essential to
casualty is expected to have on the unit's employment
allow operational and staff authorities to apply the
during the 30-day period.
proper priority to necessary resources. Each INITIAL
CASREP must contain a casualty set followed by one
or more sets that convey information concerning that
used to report information similar to that in the INITIAL
CASREP. With the exception on the CASUALTY and
ESTIMATES sets, only previously unreported casualty
When a casualty results from inadequate
information or information that has been changed (or
general-purpose electronic test equipment (GPETE) or
was reported in error) need be reported. Information in
PMS, the affected system must be the subject of the
a previously reported data set may be changed by merely
INITIAL CASREP with GPETE or PMS reported as the
submitting the same data set again with the corrected
cause in an amplification (AMPN) set.
Figure 1-9.-Example of INITIAL CASREP requiring outside assitance only.
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