![]() equipment. Every item should have a label affixed to it
information necessary to identify a single piece of
that indicates the calibration status of that item. All
TAMS equipment and to update the data base.
labels must be attached in a conspicuous place, so as to
This card is used to record a calibration action, to
be readily seen by all interested persons, and all tags
add or delete equipment in the inventory, to reschedule
must remain attached to the instruments as long as the
equipment for calibration at other than the prescribed
information on the tag is pertinent.
time, to transfer custody of equipment from one activity
In the following sections we will discuss the labels
to another, or strictly to record man-hours for a
and the tags, and the criteria for their use.
completed calibration.
The white copy of the completed METER card is
forwarded to the MOCC where the information is
keypunched into a computer to update the MEASURE
This label (black lettering, white background),
data base. The new information is then printed on
which comes in three different sizes, is the most
another METER card and sent to the customer activity
commonly used label in the METCAL program. It
to be used the next time another transaction is to be
indicates that an instrument is within its applicable
tolerance on all parameters.
Accurate data, completeness, and legibility in filling
out the METER card are essential.
This label (red lettering, white background), which
comes in two sizes, is used when actual measurement
values and associated uncertainties must be known for
The receipt and identification tag, attached to the
the instrument to be used.
METER card, bears the same control number as the
METER card. Like the METER card, it is a five-part,
color-coded form.
Blocks A, B, C, D, and E of this form contain the
There are two Special Calibration labels (black
same information that is contained in blocks 1, 3, 4, 9,
lettering, yellow background). They differ in size and
and 11 of the METER card. This information is used to
content. There is also a Special Calibration tag that is
identify the equipment being calibrated. Both block T of
used with the smaller of the two labels. The Special
the ID tag and block 5 of the METER card identify the
Calibration label is used when some unusual or special
customer; however, this information is abbreviated on
condition in the calibration should be known to the user
the METER card.
and/or the calibrator. These special conditions may be
deviations from usual calibration tolerances, multiple
One copy of the ID tag is given to the customer as
calibration intervals, or requirements for in-place
a receipt. The other four copies are kept by the
calibration. All conditions requiring special calibration
calibrating facility. Unlike the METER card, no part of
are described either directly on the large label, or on the
the ID tag is sent to the MOCC. The MOCC
tag, when the small label is used. The following
automatically enters this information when it preprints
information amplifies these special calibrations.
the METER card.
Some TAMS may be calibrated by the user and the
The MEASURE referral card is used to forward
instrument does not need to be sent to a calibration
questions, recommendations, and comments pertaining
facility. For example, some instruments are provided
to MEASURE to concerned authorities. Instructions
with their own standards and must be calibrated either
regarding the preparation of the referral card are found
each time they are used or very frequently. Some
in the Measure Users Manual.
instruments, such as oscillographic recorders, may
require calibration before, during, and after each use.
Some automatic test equipments require self-calibration
tests to be performed each time they are used. Still other
When you are updating equipment calibration
instruments are calibrated as part of checkout
schedules, you need to know the calibration status of the
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